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Enrolment in Winter 2025 PHS courses begins Wednesday, November 6, 2024 @ 12:00AM ET

Classes begin the week of January 6, 2025 (exceptions noted below). Classroom locations will be announced by course instructors in Quercus.

interactive building map

Tutorial schedules are subject to change and will be confirmed in class at the start of the term.



CHL5020H S Public Health Impact, Trust & Communications
Open to Master’s and Doctoral students in PHS. Limited space is available for IHPME students.
Rob Steiner M 10 – 12pm In-person


CHL3001H S Contemporary Issues in Bioethics
Open to students in the MHSc or Collaborative program in Bioethics
In person dates: January 20-24
Online dates: January 9, February 6, February 27, March 13, March 27, and April 3
Laura Bisaillon *See Dates 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL3012H S Theoretical Foundations of Bioethics II
Open to students in the MHSc or Collaborative program in Bioethics
In person dates: January 20-24
Online dates: January 7, February 4, February  25, March 11, March 25, and April 8th
Rosalind Abdool *See Dates 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL3050H Y Professional Skills in Applied Bioethics Practice
Open to MHSc Bioethics students
In-person dates: September 16-20
Note: Continuous course over 5 terms. Enrol in Fall term of year 1 only
Jennifer Gibson
*See Dates 9am – 5pm In-person


CHL4002H S Critical Appraisal and Use of Evidence
Open to DrPH students
Ashley Aimone R 9am – 12pm Online Synchronous
CHL4003H Y High Performance Leadership
Open to year 1 DrPH students
In-person dates: September 24, 26, January 28, 30, April 22, 24
Online sessions: TBD
Note: Year-long course from September – April. Enrol in Fall term
Ted Witek T & R 1 – 4pm Hybrid
CHL4005H Y

Governance and Financial Leadership
Open to year 2 DrPH students
In-person dates: September 24, 26, January 28, 30, April 22, 24
Online sessions: TBD
Note: Year-long course from September – April. Enrol in Fall term

Anne Wojtak T & R 1 – 4pm Hybrid
CHL4006H Y Seminars in Public Health
Open to DrPH students
Burst Week: January 27-31, 2025, & April 21-25, 2025
Note: Continuous course over 3 years. Enrol in Fall term of year 1
Ted Witek M-F 9am – 5pm In-person
CHL4007H S Public Health Advocacy
Open to DrPH students
Robert Steiner
Kate Mulligan
F 10am – 12pm Online Synchronous
CHL4008H S Seminars in the Practice of Implementation Science
Open to DrPH students
Melanie Barwick W 3 – 5pm Online


CHL5102H S Social and Political Forces in Health
Open to PhD SBHS students. Limited space is available for year 2 MPH SBHS students. Other students with permission from instructor:
Amaya Perez-Brumer W 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5104H S Health Promotion 2 
Pre-requisite: CHL5103H
Open to year 1 MPH SBHS students. Others with permission from instructor
Lori Ross M 1 – 4pm In-person
Tutorials M 2:45- 4:15pm In-person
CHL5107H S Introduction to Qualitative Research 
Open to MPH SBHS students
Kate Mulligan W 10am – 12pm In-person
Tutorial W 12-1pm In-person
CHL5107H S1 Introduction to Qualitative Research
Open to MPH IH, BH & N&D students. Others with permission from instructor
Angela Mashford-Pringle W 10am – 12pm In-person
Tutorial W 12 – 1pm In-person
CHL5109H S Gender and Health
Open to Collaborative Specialization in Women’s Health students, or with permission from instructor

Danielle Toccalino


R 1 – 4pm Online Synchronous
CHL5110H S Theory and Practice of Program Evaluation
Open to MPH SBHS students. Others with permission from instructor
Carol Strike T 9:30am – 12:30pm In-person
CHL5115H S Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation
: CHL5131H, CHL5138H, SWK6307H or equivalent; prior training and/or experience with qualitative research.
Student must have qualitative data to work with.
Open to PhD students; priority to DLSPH & students from CQ’s contributing partner faculties. Contact instructor for permission to enroll.
Sarah Elton R 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5126H S Building Community Resilience
Open to MPH SBHS students
 or with permission from instructor.
Blake Poland R 6-9pm Online Synchronous
CHL5136H S Race, Ethnicity and Culture in Health (REACH)
Open to MPH SBHS . BH and IH students
CHL5105H or related course
Kazumi Tsuchiya
Ola Osman
W 1:30 – 4:30pm In-person
CHL5138H S Critical Qualitative Health Research
Must be working on a graduate-level research project
Priority will be given to PhD students registered in the in departments/faculties that are ‘contributing members’ to the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research. Contact course instructor for permission to enroll: 

Naomi Thulien


W 9am – 12pm In-person


CHL5202H S Biostatistics II – Lecture
Pre-requisite: CHL5201H. Students who have taken equivalent course(s) require permission from instructor
Kevin Thorpe
Charles Keown-Stoneman
F 9am – 12pm In-person
Tutorials TBD TBD In-person
CHL5207Y Y Lab in Statistical Design & Analysis
Open to MSc Biostatistics students
Note: 1.0 full-credit course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term 
Tony Panzarella R 2 – 4pm In-person
CHL5208Y Y Advanced Lab in Statistical Design & Analysis
Open to PhD Biostatistics students
Note: 1.0 full-credit course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term 

Tony Panzarella


R 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5209H S Survival Analysis I
Pre-requisites: CHL5226H or STA2112H or equivalent.
Open to MSc Biostatistics students; others should contact the instructor for permission:
Olli Saarela W 2- 5pm In-person
CHL5222H S Analysis of Correlated Data
CHL5201H and CHL5202H or equivalent.
Open to PHS Biostatistics students
Aya Mitani M 10am – 1pm In-person
CHL5223H S Applied Bayesian Methods
Pre-requisites: CHL5201H and CHL5202H or equivalent.
Open to PHS Biostatistics students
Michael Escobar M 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5228H Y Statistical Methods for Genetics  & Genomics Research Seminar
Pre-requisite: Biostatistics/statistics course at the graduate level

Pre/Co-Requisite Courses: please contact Shelley Bull.
Open to thesis students in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Statistics (year 2); others with permission from instructor
Note: Half credit full-year course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term
Shelley Bull
Andrew Paterson
F 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5229H S Modern Biostatistics and Statistical Learning
Open to al UofT Graduate students
Rafal Kustra R 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5230H S Applied Machine Learning for Health Data
Open to PHS Biostatistics and PhD Epidemiology students. Others with permission from instructor
Nicholas Mitsakakis W 5-8pm In-person
CHL5250H S Special Topics in Biostatistics
Open to PHS Biostatistics students
Wendy Lou T 1 – 3pm In-person
CHL5260H Y Doctoral Seminar Series in Biostatistics
: Three-year half-credit course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term 
Wendy Lou
Michael Escobar

R 12- 2pm In-person


CHL5400H Y MPH Professional Development Seminar Series
Open to year 1 MPH Epi students
This is a year-long, mandatory attendance seminar. This course is 0.0 FCE (it carries no credit weight).
Jennifer Brooks T
(Every other week)
2:30-4:30pm In-person
CHL5402H S Epidemiologic Methods II – Lecture & Tutorial
Pre-requisites: CHL5201H and CHL5401H
Open to MPH Epi students.

Susan Bondy T 9- 11am In-person
Tutorials T 11am – 1pm In-person
CHL5405H S Health Trends and Surveillance
Pre-requisite: CHL5401H
Open to MPH Epi students.
Sarah Edwards
Christine Navarro
W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5408H S Research Methods II
Pre-requisites: CHL5404H and CHL5406H
Open to PhD Epi students or with permission from instructor
Laura Rosella
Sonia Grandi
W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5418H S Scientific Overviews in Epidemiology
Pre-requisite: CHL5401H
Open to MPH Epi students
Margie Parthimos R 2 – 4pm In-person
Tutorials R 4-5:30pm In-person
CHL5423H Y Doctoral Series in Epidemiology
CHL5404H and CHL5406H
: Two-year, half-credit required course for PhD Epi students;
enroll in Fall term. All other Epi students are encouraged to attend
Hailey Banack T 11 – 12pm In-person
CHL5424H S Advanced Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology
: CHL5404H and CHL5406H
Open to PhD Epi students; others with permission from instructor
Hailey Banack
Brice Kuimi
R 12- 3pm In-person
CHL5425H S Mathematical Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases & Introduction
Open to MPH Epi students

David Fisman


R 9-12pm In-person
CHL5432H S Epidemiologic Methods for Communicable Disease
Open to MPH Epi students
David Fisman R 1-4pm In-person
CHL5433H S Planetary Health
Open to all UofT Graduate students
Ashley Aimone T 8 – 11am Online Synchronous
CHL5434H S Introduction to Knowledge Synthesis for Knowledge Users
Students must be in a PhD program and must also be working on a knowledge synthesis. Contact Meghan Storey ( for enrolment.
Andrea Tricco Online Asynchronous
CHL8010H S3 Special Topics: Oncology and Public Health
CHL5201 or CHL5409H
Open to PhD students and 2nd year Master’s students in PHS and IHPME. Students are expected to have foundational knowledge of quantitative methods.
Steven Narod
Vasily Giannakeas
R 1-4pm In-person


CHL5601H S Appraising and Applying Evidence to Assist Clinical Decision-Making
Dates: See dates on DFCM website
Priority to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE
Other students contact for enrollment approval. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
Candice Holmes
Marybeth DeRocher
Online Asynchronous
CHL5603Y Y Social, Political and Scientific Issues in Family Medicine
: 1.0 full-credit course Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term 
Melissa Graham
Lina Al-Imari
W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5607H Y Teaching and Learning by the Health Professions: Principles and Theories
Dates: Please visit DFCM website

Priority to MScCH HPTE and FCM (MPH and MScCH), and WPC students. Other students contact
for enrollment approval. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Note: Enrol in Fall term only
Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Judith Peranson
M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm In-person
CHL5608H Y Teaching and Learning by the Health Professions: Professions Practical Issues and Approaches
Dates: Please visit DFCM website

Priority to MScCH HPTE  and FCM (MPH and MScCH), and WPC students. Other students contact
for enrollment approval. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Note: Enrol in Fall term only
Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Judith Peranson
M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm In-person
CHL5610H S  Theory and Practice of Behaviour in Health Professional Settings
Open to MPH Nutrition & Dietetics Students
Maria Ricupero W 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5613H S Leading Improvement in the Quality of Health Care for Community Populations
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Priority to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE. Other students with permission; must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
To enrol, contact:

Susanna Fung
Sheila Yuen
F 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5614H S

Curriculum Foundations in Health Practitioner Field-​based Education
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Priority to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE. Other students with permission; must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
To enrol, contact:

Susan Glover-Takahashi
Giovanna Sirianni
T & R 9am – 3pm In-person
CHL5617H S Educational Technology for Health Practitioner Education
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Priority to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE. Other students with permission must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
To enrol, contact:
Heather MacNeill
Kataryna Nemethy
T 8:30am – 12:30pm In-person
CHL5624H S Historical, Ethical, and Philosophical Foundations of Public Health
Open to FCM (MPH-Advanced Standing, MPH & MScCH) and DrPH students; others with permission from instructor:
Ross Upshur M 2 – 5pm Online
CHL5630Y Y Wound Prevention and Care
Open to MScCH WPC students.
Note: Full-credit year-long course. Enrol in Fall term

Gary Sibbald W 8am – 5pm In-person
CHL5634H S Mental Disorder, Mental Health and Public Health
Open to MScCH AMH students
Branka Agic
Patricia Di Ciano
Daniel Felsky
W 9-11am In-person
CHL5653H S Community Nutrition
Open to MPH ND and IH students
Eric Ng T 2 – 5pm Online Synchronous
CHL5656Y Y Nutrition & Dietetics Culminating Project
Open to students in their graduating year of the MPH N&D program
Note: 1.0 FCE, full-year course. Enrol in Fall term

Pierrette Buklis 9am-12pm In-person


CHL5700H S Global Health
Open to Masters students in the CSGH; others with permission from the instructor:
Shaza Fadel T 1 – 3pm



CHL5701H Y Doctoral Seminar, Collaborative Specialization in Global Health
Open to PhD students in the CSGH; others with permission from instructor:
Note: Half-credit course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term.
Erica Di Ruggiero R (Every other week) 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5704H S International Human Rights Law and Global Health: The Right to Health in Theory and Practice
Open to all UofT Graduate students
Lisa Forman T 2 – 5pm In-person


CHL5821H S African/Black Health II: Chronic Diseases and Black Health; Sexual and Reproductive Health; Black Health Across the Lifespan
Open to MPH Black Health students
Ola Osman M 10am – 1pm In-person
CHL5822H S Decolonizing Theory and Methods in African/Black Health Research
Open to MPH Black Health students
Ola Osman M 1:30pm – 4:30pm In-person
CHL5823H S African/Black Practicum Preparation
Open to MPH Black Health students
Ola Osman R 10am- 1pm Hybrid
CHL5825H S Black Resistance and Health: Interventions and Social Change
5 core courses of the MPH in Black Health
Open to MPH Black Health Students
Roberta Timothy M 10am-1pm In-person


CHL5903H S Environmental Health
Open to MPH OEH students with priority to those in the Environmental Public Health Emphasis. Others with permission from
Sally Radisic W 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5905H S Clinical Studies in Occupational Health
Open to MScCH OHC Students
Aaron Thompson
Vince Spilchuk
M 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5911H S Occupational and Environmental Hygiene II
: CHL5910H
Open to MPH OEH students.
Niclas Eduardo Manson T 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5914H S Physical Agents I – Noise
CHL5910H and CHL5911H
Open to MPH OEH students
Victoria Arrandale W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5915H S Control of Occupational Hazards
Pre-requisite: CHL5910H
Open to MPH OEH students
Ataollah Nayebzadeh R 4:30-7pm  In-person
CHL5918H S Biological Hazards in the Workplace and Community
Open to MPH OEH students
James Scott R 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5919H S Public Health Mycology
Open to PHS students
James Scott W 10am- 12pm In-person
CHL5920H Y Occupational and Environmental Health Doctoral Seminar Series
Open to PhD OEH students.
Jeremy Scott N/A N/A N/A
CHL5921H S Protecting the Public from Air Pollution
Open to MPH OEH students in the Environmental Public Health Emphasis or with permission from instructor
Jeffrey Brook
Bruce Urch
T 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5922H S Climate Change and Health
Open to MPH OEH EPH Emphasis students or with permission from instructor 
Jeffrey Brook M 1-4pm In-person


PAS3701H S Advanced Research Issues in Addiction
Open to all UofT Graduate students
Patricia Di Ciano
Kevin Shield
Sergio Rueda
M 2-4pm In-person


CHL5620Y Y Required Medical Education Practicum in Family Medicine 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL5621H S Required Medical Education Practicum in Family Medicine Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL5690H Y Required MScCH Practicum 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL5691H Y Optional MScCH Practicum 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6010Y S Required MPH Practicum 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6011H S Required MPH Practicum Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6012Y S Required MPH Practicum Long Extension 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6013H Y Required MPH Advanced Standing Practicum 0.5 FCE (4weeks)
CHL6020Y S  Optional MPH Practicum 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6021H S Optional MPH Practicum Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6022Y S Optional MPH Practicum Long Extension 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)