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Enrolment in Fall 2024 Public Health Sciences courses begins on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 @ 6:00AM ET.

Classes begin the week of September 9, 2024 (exceptions noted below).  Classroom locations will be announced by course instructors in Quercus.

interactive building map

Tutorial schedules are subject to change and will be confirmed in class at the start of the term.



CHL5004H F Introduction to Public Health Sciences
Open to Master’s students in PHS
Billie-Jo Hardy
Ramandip Grewal
F 1 – 4pm In-person


CHL3003H F Empirical Approaches in Bioethics
Open to MHSc Bioethics students
*In-person dates: September 16- 20
Daniel Buchman *See Dates 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL3005H F Legal Approaches to Bioethics
Open to MHSc Bioethics students
*In-person dates: September 16-20
TBD *See Dates 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL3011H F  Theoretical Foundations of Bioethics I
Open to MHSc Bioethics students
*In-person dates: September 16-20
TBD *See Dates 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL3050H Y Professional Skills in Applied Bioethics Practice
Open to MHSc Bioethics students
*In-person dates: September 16- 20
Note: Continuous course over 5 terms. Enrol in Fall term of year 1 only.
Jennifer Gibson
*See Dates 9am – 5pm In-person


CHL4001H F Contemporary Approaches to Population Health and Health Equity
Open to DrPH students
Ross Upshur M 2 – 5pm Online Synchronous
CHL4003H Y High Performance Leadership
Open to year 1 DrPH students. Other PHS & IHPME students with the permission of the instructor. 
In-person dates: September 26, 28, January 23, 25, April 23, 25
Online sessions: TBD
Note: Year-long course from September – April. Enrol in Fall term
Ted Witek T & R 1 – 4pm Hybrid
CHL4005H Y Governance and Financial Leadership
Open to year 2 DrPH students
In-person dates: September 26, 28, January 23, 25, April 23, 25
Online sessions: TBD
Note: Year-long course from September – April. Enrol in Fall term
TBD T & R 1 – 4pm Hybrid
CHL4006H Y Seminars in Public Health
Open to DrPH students
In-person dates: September 23-27, January 27-31, April 23-25
Note: Continuous course over 3 years. Enrol in Fall term of year 1 only.
Ted Witek M-F 9am – 5pm Hybrid
CHL4009H F Methods and Approaches in Public Health Research
Open to DrPH students.
Susan Bondy R 9am – 12pm Online


CHL5101H F Social and Behavioural Theory
Open to PhD SBHS students. Others with permission from instructor
Daniel Grace W 1pm – 4pm In-person
CHL5103H F Health Promotion 1
Open to year 1 MPH SBHS, BH and IH, and MScCH AMH students
M 10am – 1pm In-person
Tutorials M 11:30am – 1pm In-person
CHL5105H F Social Determinants of Health – Lecture & Tutorial
Open to year 1 MPH SBHS and BH students
Kazumi Tsuchiya W 10am – 1pm In-person
Tutorial W 12- 1pm In-person
CHL5114H F Health Communications
Open to PHS and EXS students
W 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5117H F Women, Children and Adolescent Health: A Global Perspective
Open to 2nd year CSGH students and PHS students
Shaza Fadel T 10am- 1pm In-person
CHL5129H F Introduction to Mixed Methods Research for Public Health
Open to DLSPH (PHS, IHPME)) PhD students. Others with permission from instructor.
Pre requisites: Students must have taken, or be concurrently taking, a graduate level course in either quantitative (e.g., CHL5201H or equivalent) and qualitative methods (e.g., CHL5221H, JRP1000H or equivalent).
Lori Ross M 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5131H F Theoretical Foundations of Qualitative Health Research
Open to PHS PhD students. Others with permission from instructor
Brenda Gladstone R 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5132H F Population Health Intervention Research (PHIR)
Open to DrPH , PhD and year 2 Master’s students. Others with permission from instructor
Erica Di Ruggiero
T 10am – 12pm Online Synchronous
CHL5134H F Institutional Ethnography
Open to all UofT graduate students
Daniel Grace T 10am – 1pm In-person
CHL5150H F Data Collection Methods for Research & Evaluation Projects
Open to PHS doctoral students and year 2 Master’s students who have taken a graduate level research methods course
TBD M 10am – 1pm In-person
CHL5203H F  Survey Design & Social Research Methods in Public Health
Open to all students with an introductory statistics course 
Anita Benoit M 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5420H F  Global Health Research Methods
Open to PHS PhD or 2nd Year Masters students
Amaya Perez-Brumer W 10am – 1pm Online Synchronous
CHL5702H F History of International Health
Open to all UofT graduate students
Anne-Emanuelle Birn F 10am – 12:30pm In-person
CHL8010H F1 Special Topics: Men, Masculinities, and Health
Open enrolment
Michael Atkinson T 9am-12pm In-person
JRH5124H F  Public Health Ethics
Open to students who have completed one year of their graduate program or by permission of Instructor
Alison Thompson W 9am-12pm In-person


CHL5201H F Biostatistics I
Pre-requisite: Statistics course
Open Enrolment
Kevin Thorpe
Lennon Li
Jenna Sykes
F 9am – 12pm In-person
  Tutorial   TBD TBD In-person
CHL5207Y Y Lab in Statistical Design & Analysis
Open to MSc Biostatistics students
Note: 1.0 Full-credit course from Sept-April; enrol in Fall term.
Tony Panzarella  R 2 – 4pm In-person
CHL5208Y Y Advanced Lab in Statistical Design & Analysis
Open to PhD Biostatistics students
Note: 1.0 Full-credit course from Sept-April; enrol in Fall term
Tony Panzarella     R 10am- 12pm In-person
CHL5210H F Categorical Data Analysis
Open to Biostatistics students or those with previous statistical training. Others with permission from instructor
Rafal Kustra W 10am – 1pm In-person
Tutorial F 11am – 12pm In-person
CHL5225H F Advanced Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials
Open to Biostatistics students or those with previous statistical training. Others with permission from instructor
Wendy Lou
Clement Ma
W 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5226H F Mathematical Foundations of Biostatistics
Open to MSc Biostatistics students
Olli Saarela
Kevin Thorpe
M 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5228H Y Statistical Methods for Genetics Genomics Research Seminar
Pre-requisite: Biostatistics/statistics course at the graduate level
Pre/Co-Requisite Courses: CHL5224H or please contact Shelley Bull.
Open to thesis students in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Statistics (year 2); others with permission from instructor.
Note: Half credit full-year course from Sept-April. Enrol in Fall term.
Shelley Bull
Andrew Paterson
F 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5231H F Statistical Foundations of Predictive Modeling in Biostatistics
Open to Biostatistics students or with permission of instructor
Rafal Kustra T 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5260H Y Doctoral Seminar Series in Biostatistics
Open to PhD Biostatistics students.
Note: Half-credit full-year course from Sept-April each year for 3 years. Enrol in Fall term of year 1.
Wendy Lou
Mike Escobar

R 12 – 2pm In-person
CHL8010H F2 Special Topics: Statistical Programming and Computation for Health Data
Basic R knowledge, Biostatistics I and II or equivalent
Open to Biostatistics students.
Aya Mitani M 10am – 1pm In-person


CHL5300H F Public Health Policy – Lecture
Open to MPH BH, EPI, OEH, IH, N&D, SBHS; MScCH; Collaborative PHP; and IHPME Health Policy Emphasis students
Online Session: October 31
Beverley Essue
R 1:30-3pm In-person
Tutorials TBD TBD In-person
SRM3333H F Master Seminar Series – Compulsory Attendance
Open to students in the Collaborative Specialization in PHP.
For enrolment contact:
Robert Schwartz
F 12:30 – 2pm In-person


CHL5220H F Introduction to Quantitative Research
Open to MPH OEH, BH, SBHS, IH & N&D students
Mohammad Akbari W 2 – 4pm In-person
Tutorial W 4-5pm In-person
CHL5400H Y MPH Professional Development Seminar Series
Open to year 1 MPH Epi students
Jennifer Brooks T
(Every other week)
2:30-4:30pm In-person
CHL5401H F Epidemiologic Methods I
Co-requisite: CHL5201H
Open to year 1 MPH BH, Epi, OEH and SBHS students
or with permission from instructor.

David Fisman


T 10 – 11:30am In-person
Tutorials T 11am – 12pm In-person
CHL5404H F Research Methods I
Open to 1st year PhD Epi students 
Jennifer Brooks F 9:30am – 12:30pm In-person
CHL5406H F Quantitative Methods for Biomedical Research
Co-Requisite: CHL5404H
Pre-requisite: Prior courses in epidemiologic methods and biostatistics
Open to PhD Epi students or with permission from instructor. 
Susan Bondy
T 9 – 11am In-person
  Lab   T 12 – 2pm In-person
CHL5407H F Categorical Data Analysis for Epidemiologic Studies
Pre-requisites: CHL5202H and CHL5402H or equivalent.
Open to year 2 MPH Epi students. Others with permission from instructor.

Jesse Young


W 9 – 11am In-person
  Tutorial   W 11am – 1pm In-person
CHL5409H F Cancer Epidemiology
Pre-requisites: CHL5201H, CHL5202H, CHL5401H and CHL5402H
Others with permission from instructors:
Joanne Kotsopoulos
Meghan Walker
R 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5410H F Occupational Epidemiology
Pre-requisites: Basic course in epidemiology and biostatistics.
Open to MPH OEH in the Occupational Hygiene Emphasis.  Others with permission from instructor 
Jeavana Sritharan
Tracy Kirkham
Nathan Debono
Paul Demers
W 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5413H F  Public Health Sanitation
Open to MPH OEH students. Others with permission from instructor.
James Scott
Christine Oliver
R 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5416H F Environmental Epidemiology
Open to year 2 MPH OEH students in the Environmental Public Health Emphasis. Others with permission from instructor.
Pre-requisites: At least one epidemiology course (CHL5401H or CHL5220H); at least one biostatistics course (CHL5201H or another quantitative methods course); some knowledge, experience or training in environmental health.
Loren Vanderlinden
Elaina MacIntyre
Hong Chen
Stephanie Gower
T 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5417H F Tobacco and Health: From Cells to Society
Open enrolment
Michael Chaiton M 11am – 1pm In-person
CHL5423H Y Doctoral Series in Epidemiology
Open to PhD Epi students. Others with permission from instructor.
Note: Two-year, half-credit required course for PhD Epi students. Enrol in Fall term. 
Hailey Banack
T 11 – 12pm In-person
CHL5426H F Population Perspectives for Epidemiology
Open to MPH Epi students
Shelly Bolotin
R 10am – 12pm In-person
Tutorials R 11am – 1pm In-person
CHL5428H F Epidemiological Methods for Causal Mediation Analyses
Open to PhD Epi & Biostatistics students. Others with permission from instructor.
Pre-requisites: A course in epidemiological study designs (e.g. CHL5402H) or an equivalent course in observational study design taught in other disciplines such as health services research, biostatistics or health economics (e.g. HAD6770H; HAD5763H). At least one intermediate or advanced course in statistics or biostatistics including multi – variable regression models for continuous and non – continuous (e.g. binary) outcomes (e.g. CHL5202H)
Brice Kuimi
Peter Smith
M 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5431H F Spatial Epidemiology: Introductory Methods and Applications
 Experience with R preferred
Open to all UofT graduate students
Jude Kong
F 9:30am – 12pm In-person
CHL5435H F Methods in Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
Pre-requisite: CHL5402H and CHL5202H or equivalent
Open to Year 2 MPH and MSc students or PhD students.
Hilary Brown F 9-12pm In-person
CHL5438H F Seminar on Social Conditions and Health
Pre-requisite: Advanced statistical methods course or equivalent
Open to Master’s and PhD students with instructor permission.
Arjumand Siddiqi
Faraz Vahid Shahidi
M 2-5pm In-person


CHL5524H F Indigenous Theories and Methods
Open to 1st year MPH IH students. Others with permission from instructor .
Billie-Jo Hardy R 1pm – 3pm In-person


CHL5601H Y Appraising and Applying Evidence to Assist Clinical Decision-Making
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE
Other students contact
for enrollment approval. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Candice Holmes
Marybeth DeRocher
Online Asynchronous
CHL5603Y Y Social, Political and Scientific Issues in Family Medicine
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE
Other students contact
for permission. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Note: 1.0 FCE, one-year course. Enrol in Fall term
Lina Al-Imari
Melissa Graham
W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5605H F Research Issues in Family Medicine/Primary Care
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to FCM (MPH and MScCH), or MScCH HPTE.
Other students contact
for permission. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Sheryl Spithoff
Paul Krueger
R 9am – 12pm



CHL5607H Y


Teaching and Learning by the Health Professions: Principles and Theories
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to MScCH students in HPTE , FCM and WPC, and to MPH FCM  students. Others students contact
for permission. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
Note: 0.5 FCE year-long courses. Enrol in Fall term only.
Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Judith Peranson
M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm



CHL5608H Y Teaching and Learning by the Health Professions: Practical Issues and Approaches
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to MScCH students in HPTE, FCM and WPC, and to MPH FCM students. Others contact
for permission. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein.
Note: 0.5 FCE year-long course. Enrol in Fall term only.
Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul
Judith Peranson
M-F 8:30am- 4:30pm



CHL5609H F Continuing Education in Health Professions
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Open to
MScCH HPTE  and FCM (MPH and MScCH) students.
Other students contact
for permission. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Savithiri Ratnapalan M 9am – 5pm In-person
CHL5622H F Patient Related Health Care and Public Policy in Canada
Dates: Please visit DFCM website
Priority to MScCH HPTE  and FCM (MPH and MScCH) students
Other students contact
for enrollment approval. Students must be licensed in a recognized health profession or a senior trainee therein
Julia Alleyne Online Asynchronous
CHL5630Y Y Wound Prevention and Care
Dates: TBA
Open to MScCH WPC students.
Note: 1.0 FCE, full-year course. Enrol in Fall term.
Gary Sibbald W 8am – 5pm In-person
CHL5631H F Integrating Public Health and Clinical Care: The case of TB
Open to PHS and IHPME students.
Students should have completed either a quantitative or qualitative research method course, or with permission of the course director. This course is intended for Master’s students who have taken a research method course, or any PhD students. 
Xiaolin Wei W 9am – 11:30pm In-person
CHL5650H F Foundations of Practice I
Open to MPH N&D
Eric Ng W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5651H F Foundations of Practice II
Open to MPH Nutrition and Dietetics students.
Tracie Burke R 9am- 12pm In-person
CHL5652H F Foundations of Practice III
Open to MPH Nutrition and Dietetics students
Eric Ng T 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5654H F Nutrition Programs and Strategies
Open to MPH Nutrition and Dietetics students. Others with permission from instructor .
Pierrette Buklis M 2 – 5pm In-person
CHL5656Y Y Nutrition & Dietetics Culminating Project
Open to year 2 MPH Nutrition and Dietetics students.
*This course is not open to MPH-Nutrition and Dietetics students who have already completed their dietetic practical training, whether in the 2-year or Advanced Standing programs.
Note: 1.0 FCE, full-year course. Enrol in Fall term. 
Pierrette Buklis 9am-12pm In-person


CHL5701H Y Doctoral Seminar, Collaborative Specialization in Global Health
Open to PhD students in the CSGH. Others with permission of the instructor.
Note: Half-credit course from Sept-April; enrol in Fall term.
Erica Di Ruggiero R (Every other week) 10am – 12pm In-person
CHL5420H F  Global Health Research Methods
Open to PHS PhD or 2nd Year Masters students
Amaya Perez-Brumer W 10am – 1pm Online Synchronous


CHL5820H F African/Black Health I: Sociohistorical Overview of Black Health
Open to MPH Black Health students
Roberta Timothy M 10am – 1pm In-person
CHL5824H F Transnational Black Health Policy and Practice
Open to MPH Black Health students
Roberta Timothy W 10am – 1pm In-person


CHL5902H F Advanced Occupational Hygiene
Open to MPH OEH students
Pre-requisites: CHL5910H and CHL5911H
Victoria Arrandale
R 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5904H F Perspectives in Occupational and Environmental Health – Legal and Social Context
Open to MPH OEH and MScCH OHC students
Lissa Ceolin R 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5907H F Radiological Health
Open to MPH OEH students and MScCH OHC students
Paul Bozek F 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5910H F Occupational and Environmental Hygiene I
Open to MPH OEH and MScCH OHC students
Paul Bozek W 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5912H F Occupational and Environmental Toxicology
Open to MPH OEH and MScCH OHC students
Jeremy Scott M 1 – 4pm In-person
CHL5917H F Concepts in Safety Management
Open to MPH OEH students; others with permission from instructor
Lissa Ceolin T 9am – 12pm In-person
CHL5919H F Public Health Mycology
Open to PHS students
James Scott W 10am-12pm In-person
CHL5920H Y Occupational and Environmental Health Doctoral Seminar Series
Open to PhD OEH students
Jeremy Scott N/A N/A N/A
CHL5922H F Climate Change and Health
Open to MPH OEH students. Limited enrolment for others.
Lissa Ceolin
Jeff Brook
W 9am – 12pm In-person


PAS3700H F Multidisciplinary Aspects of Addiction
Open enrolment
Michael Chaiton
M 2 – 4pm In-person


CHL5620Y Y Required Medical Education Practicum in Family Medicine 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL5621H F Required Medical Education Practicum in Family Medicine Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL5690H Y Required MScCH Practicum 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL5691H Y Optional MScCH Practicum 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6010Y F Required MPH Practicum 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6011H F Required MPH Practicum Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6012Y F Required MPH Practicum Long Extension 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6013H Y Required MPH Advanced-Standing Practicum 0.5 FCE ( 4 weeks)
CHL6020Y F Optional MPH Practicum 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)
CHL6021H F Optional MPH Practicum Extension 0.5 FCE (4 weeks)
CHL6022Y F Optional MPH Practicum Long Extension 1.0 FCE (8 weeks)