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External Awards


Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS M)

The CGS Master’s Program is intended to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in early graduate studies. Applicants may apply to only one granting agency in a given year: CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC. To select the most appropriate granting agency, please click here.

This award is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have achieved a first-class average of A- (80%, 3.7/4.0, 7.0/9) in each of the last two years of full-time study or equivalent. A current U of T transcript which includes the current Fall session showing your registration and course enrolment is required for all registered U of T students.

Students must apply online for using the Research Portal and Common CV. The online application via the Research Portal is expected to open sometime in September and will close to students early in December. For complete details, visit CGS M and SGS website.

Additional information: CGS M Canadian Common CV Tutorial and CGS M FAQs.

Value of Award  $27,000 for up to 12 months
Application Procedure Online application opens in September; submit paper copy of application to GDPHS
Application Deadline Early December to the Research Portal
CIHR contact 
NSERC contact
SSHRC contact 
Online support Contact online support
SGS contact

 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR Doctoral Research Awards provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a PhD degree in a health-related field in Canada. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity. This award is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and will be evaluated by CIHR. Application and eligibility requirements can be obtained from the CIHR website and Application Instructions.

Required Signatures for CIHR Doctoral Research Award Application

If the award is to be paid through U of T (not a hospital) and the research being conducted is primarily at U of T, then U of T’s Research Services Office signs as “Institution Paid” and “Research Institution Location.” If the location of research is off-campus, then the equivalent research office signature should be obtained from that institution. To obtain UofT institutional signatures only, please review these instructions and visit the Research and Innovation website for instructions. Also refer to: CIHR Grants and Awards Guide.

Value of Award CGS Doctoral Scholarships: $40,000 per year for up to 3 years
Application Procedure Apply online at CIHR using Research Net
Application deadline Late September to GDPHS
ResearchNet Technical support:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) – Doctoral Fellowships

SSHRC doctoral scholarships provide financial support to outstanding graduate students pursuing doctoral studies in the social sciences and humanities. The CGS D will be offered to top-ranked applicants and the next tier of meritorious applicants will be offered a Fellowship. Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

For the guidelines for the eligibility of subject matter at SSHRC, see SSHRC Subject Matter Eligibility. For FAQ’s and Application Checklist, go to SSHRC Resources. Students may send a copy of their program of study to and SSHRC staff will provide a preliminary assessment of the program of study’s eligibility. Additional information at SSHRC website and SGS website.

Value of Award Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS D​) Program​: $40,000 per year for up to three years
Application Procedure Apply online at SSHRC and submit completed paper copy of application to GDPHS
Application deadline Late September/early October to GDPHS
Online Application Support:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) – Impact Award

The five annual SSHRC Impact Awards (Gold Medal, Talent Award, Insight Award, Connection Award, Partnership Award) recognize the highest achievements in social sciences and humanities research, knowledge mobilization, and scholarship supported by SSHRC. The SSHRC Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual who, at the nomination deadline, holds a SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship (including, but not limited to, a CGS, Vanier CGS, or Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship). In addition, a nominee must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada at the time of nomination, be an active social sciences and humanities researcher or student and hold SSHRC funding pertinent to the impact award category. More information at SSHRC Impact Award and SGS website.

Value of Award $50,000 – one award nationally
Nomination Procedure PhD students or postdoctoral fellows who are currently receiving SSHRC funding must be nominated by their supervisor or faculty member. For eligibility criteria and nomination process, visit SSHRC Impact Award. Paper copy of nomination package to GDPHS
Nomination deadline January to GDPHS
613-943-7777 or

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Doctoral Awards

NSERC CGS and PGS Doctoral awards provide financial support to high caliber scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in natural sciences or engineering. The CGS D will be offered to the top-ranked applicants and the next tier of meritorious applicants will be offered an NSERC PGS D. Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, have achieved a first-class average of A- (80%, 3.7/4.0, 7.0/9) in each of the last two years of full-time study or equivalent and must have completed, as of December 31 of the year of application, between 0 and 24 months of studies (full-time equivalent) in the doctoral program for which you are requesting funding.

Students may email a brief summary of their research proposal to NSERC at to confirm NSERC eligibility. Please visit the NSERC website and SGS website for full details.

Value of Award Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS D​) Program​ – $40,000 per year for up to 3 years
Application Procedure Apply online at NSERC
Application deadline Late September to GDPHS
Contact online support

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

The Vanier CGS program aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health. The Vanier CGS program strongly encourages candidates to pursue their studies beyond the university that granted their previous degree(s). Students wishing to apply for a Vanier CGS must do so through the Canadian university to which they are applying for doctoral studies. Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and international students are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier Scholarship. Applicants must have achieved a first-class average of A- (80%, 3.7/4.0, 7.0/9), in each of the last two years of full-time study or equivalent. For more information, please visit the SGS website.

NOTE: The current Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (results released in mid-April 2025) will be the final competitions for these programs.

Value of Award $50,000 per year for up to three years
Application Procedure Apply online using Research Net
Application deadline Early September
ResearchNet Technical Support:

Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements for NSERC, SSHRC & CIHR CGS Award Holders

The Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements program provides financial support to current Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients to study abroad for a portion of their study program. Eligible Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients may receive up to $6,000 for travel and accommodation to any eligible foreign university or research institution in the world. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who are registered full-time at the time of application and have accepted or currently hold an active CGS Masters or doctoral-level CGS CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC or Vanier.

Value of Award up to $6,000
Application Procedure MSFSS and SGS website
Application deadline varies – watch for announcements
Contact SGS:

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation aims to support doctoral students in the humanities or social sciences whose work relates to one or more of the Foundation’s four themes:

  • Human Rights and Dignity;
  • Responsible Citizenship;
  • Canada and the World; and
  • People and their Natural Environment.

Applicants may be Canadian citizens studying in or outside Canada, or non-Canadians studying in Canada. Trudeau Scholars are expected to become leading national and international figures.

Further information is available on the Trudeau Foundation and SGS websites.

Value of Award $40,000 (+ travel) per year for three years
Application Procedure Submit .pdf of the completed application to
Application deadline November
Contact Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation

Mackenzie King Scholarships

Two Mackenzie King Scholarships were established to support graduates of Canadian universities who are pursuing graduate studies:

Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship is awarded to graduates of Canadian universities pursuing graduate studies in the areas of international or industrial relations within the United States or United Kingdom.  Four scholarships of approximately $10,500 each are awarded annually (number of recipients and value are subject to change).

Mackenzie King Open Scholarship is awarded to a graduate of a Canadian university pursuing studies in any discipline, within Canada or elsewhere.  One scholarship valued at approximately $8,500 is awarded annually (value is subject to change).

Applicants must have obtained a degree from a Canadian university, demonstrate a minimum grade of ‘A’ (e.g. 85%, 3.85/4.0, 8.0/9) and intend to study full-time at the graduate level.

For more information, see W.L. Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships website and SGS website.

Value of Award Open Scholarship – approx. $8,500
Travelling Scholarship – approx. $10,500
Application Procedure Submit paper copy of complete application to GAO
Application deadline mid-January to GAO (SGS)

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Program

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Program provides research grants to undergraduate and graduate students doing research in any area of science and engineering. The grants provide funding of up to $1000 for travel to and from research sites and/or non-standard laboratory equipment required to complete a research project.

Applications are due on March 15 and October 1 every year, and a student can receive up to two grants during their career.


Mitacs is a national research organization offering unique research and training programs to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) in Canada. Of interest may be the Accelerate and Globalink programs.


Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS)

The OGS program recognizes academic excellence in graduate studies at the master’s and doctoral levels in all disciplines of academic study. The program at UofT is jointly funded by the Province of Ontario and the University of Toronto.  Full-time Master students may receive the award for a maximum of two years and full-time PhD students in Years 1 to 5 may receive the scholarship for up to four years, both are subject to a lifetime maximum of six years per student.  An overall average of a minimum grade of A- (80%, 3.7/4.0, 7.0/9) or equivalent is required.  Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons are eligible to apply.  In addition, a set number of OGS awards are available to visa students.  For complete details, refer to the SGS website.

All applicants to degree programs in PHS should also submit an OGS application.

Value of Award $15,000 for one year
Application Procedure Apply online to the U of T OGS application starting late October
Application deadline March

Named Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS)

The Province of Ontario contributes two-thirds of the value of the award while University of Toronto provides one-third through the operating budget of individual Graduate Units and/or via private endowments. The support of donors to the OGS Program has been essential to its success.

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health gratefully acknowledges the following donors who have generously contributed to the OGS fund by establishing named OGS endowments in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences.

Bertha Rosenstadt Fund Ontario Graduate Scholarship in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences, Dalla Lana School of Public Health

  • Donor: The Bertha Rosenstadt Fund

Hazel Jeanne Watson Ontario Graduate Scholarship in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences, Dalla Lana School of Public Health

  • Donor: Estate of Hazel Jeanne Watson

Leon Lee On Wong and Susan Foon Chim Wong Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Public Health Sciences

  • Donor: Mrs. Susan Foon Chim Wong

Merrijoy Kelner Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Public Health Sciences

  • Preference will be given to a PhD/MPH in the field of Social and Behavioural Health Sciences (Health Promotion)
  • Donor: Various donors in honour of Professor Kelner’s retirement from the University of Toronto in 1993 and in honour of her 75th birthday in 2002.

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST)

The Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology program is designed to encourage excellence in doctoral studies in science and technology. The program is supported through funds provided by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and funds raised by the University of Toronto from the private sector.  Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who are registered or intend to be registered as a full PhD student (Year 1- 5).  Applicants must have a minimum average of A- (80%, 3.7/4.0 or 7.0/9) and also exhibit research ability or potential, excellent communication skills and interpersonal and leadership abilities.  For more information, refer to the SGS website.

There are four QEII-GSST scholarships available:

  1. Queen Elizabeth II/Inge and Ralf Hoffmann Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology
    Eligibility: PhD students in Public Health Sciences who are pursuing research in Social and Behavioural Health Sciences.
  2. Queen Elizabeth II/Sanofi/John G. FitzGerald Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology
    Preference will be given in the following order:  1) PhD students enrolled in the Biostatistics program in Public Health Sciences.  2) PhD students in Public Health Sciences.
  3. Queen Elizabeth II/C.P. Shah Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology
    Eligibility: PhD students in Public Health Sciences.
  4. Queen Elizabeth II/Mary Beck Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology
    Preference will be given to graduate students enrolled in the PHS or IHPME who are pursuing studies in community mental health care delivery services.  Students must be registered full-time in the PhD program (Years 1-5) in PHS or PhD program (Years 1-4) in IHPME.
Value of Award $15,000 for one year
Application Procedure Apply using U of T OGS online application and complete QEII cover page (available in May)
Application deadline Late March – Applicants must complete the OGS online application and indicate that they would like their OGS application to be considered in other graduate award competitions.

Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award

The Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award is administered by the Council of Ontario (COU) on behalf of Ontario government ministries and provides assistance to outstanding researchers at Ontario universities who have been improving the health of women through their research.  It is open to Master’s students, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. For complete details, click COU and SGS website.

Value of Award Masters Award – $25,000
Doctoral Award – $35,000
Postdoctoral Award – $50,000
Application Procedure Submit paper copy of Application to the GDPHS
Application deadline November to the GDPHS

International Students

Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)

The Ontario Trillium Scholarships program is a provincially-funded initiative to attract the best-qualified international students to Ontario for PhD studies. Approximately 15 Trillium Scholarships for PhD students are awarded annually at the University of Toronto.  Nominees must be new international applicants who have or will be offered admission to full-time doctoral programs starting in the Fall term.  Nominees must have achieved a minimum grade of A- in each of the last two years of full-time study and currently not studying at an Ontario institution.  Applicants should contact the PhD Program Director and GDPHS when applying for admission. Please visit SGS website for further details.

Value of Award $40,000 (including tuition) per year for a total of 4 years
Application Procedure No application required. Nomination will be made by GDPHS based on admission applications.
Application deadline TBD

Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowships

The Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowship fund was established to provide opportunities for women from foreign countries to pursue graduate studies in Canada and the United States.  Eligible applicants must be female, international registered, full-time master’s or doctoral students.  Applicants cannot be a citizen or landed immigrant of Canada or the United States.  For more information, refer to DKG and SGS website.

Value of Award $4,000 (USD) for one year
Application Procedure Application at SGS website; Submit paper copy of application to SGS
Application deadline November to SGS

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) offers a range of fellowships and awards for students to fund innovative work that will address development challenges. Citizens of developing countries pursuing a doctoral degree at a Canadian university and who, prior to applying, have a student visa with a work permit valid in Canada are eligible.  For more information, please see their website.

Margaret McNamara Education Grants

The Margaret McNamara Education Grants is a non-profit, public charity founded in 1981, which awards education grants to exceptional women from developing countries, who are at least 25 years old, and enrolled at universities in the US, Canada and select universities in South Africa and Latin America. Grants of up to US$15,000 have been awarded in the US/Canada program.  Application information can be found on the MMEG website.

Private Sector

Scholarships Canada

Scholarships Canada is a free resource that enables students to create a profile and be matched to potential scholarships from across Canada.

If you are aware of additional specific scholarships or resources for finding them, please email

Desjardins Foundation Scholarships

The Desjardins Foundation awards hundreds of scholarships to post-secondary students every year.

Value of Award $3,000 for Master’s students; $5,000 for Doctoral students
Application deadline The call for applications is held every year from March 1 to March 31.

Life Lessons Scholarship

Manulife has introduced the first Life Lessons Scholarship Program in Canada, for students who’ve experienced the death of a parent or guardian with little to no life insurance. The Scholarship Program helps combat the financial burden of paying for post-secondary education during an emotional time and recognizes the perseverance that so many youth show in such adversity.

Value of Award $10,000
Application deadline See award details on website

Royal Bank Scholarships

RBC has developed a diverse set of scholarship programs worth over $500,000 a year to help address the critical need for students funding across Canada.

Value of Award Future Launch Scholarship – $1,500
Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth – Up to $10,000 for 2 to 4 years
Application deadline Future Launch Scholarship: December
Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth: January