Featured Student
Ruth Rodney
What’s your program and specialty?
I am a fourth year doctoral student in U of T’s Lawrence S. Bloomberg faculty of Nursing. My specialities are in violence prevention, adolescents, and qualitative research.
Why are you studying global health?
The beginning of my story started in Guyana, developed in Canada and has been shaped by many experiences in cities and countries across the world. I consider myself to be a global citizen and believe that everyone regardless of place, or any other imposed characteristics or classifications, has the right to healthcare and environments that foster healthy living and opportunities.
Why did you choose to take part in the Collaborative Doctoral Program in Global Health?
I was actually aware of the collaborative program before I considered completing a PhD. The opportunity to expand the learning I had began in my Masters degree in understanding healthcare in political, social, and economic aspects were necessary to my future career aspirations.
What are some current projects or research that you’re involved in?
Currently I am primarily focused on my doctoral thesis, which is a critical exploratory study on Guyanese perspectives of adolescent dating violence in Guyana. I am also currently volunteering with PREVNet (Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network) and Dr. Joanne Cummings with the safe schools initiative at the Toronto District Catholic School Board.
If you have one, what is your dissertation title?
Building Healthier Relationships: Guyanese Perspectives on Adolescent Dating Violence
What would you say to a prospective student who is considering the CDPGH or studying global health at the University of Toronto more broadly?
I would say that it is a great opportunity to learn from different disciplines and expand your knowledge on not only the complexity of global health issues, but also the innovation and partnerships that can arise from the program.
What’s the one thing people can do to improve public health locally and/or globally?
I think people should constantly question and critique how they define global health. To be global also means to be local and recognize that global health does not mean difference. If we only consider global health as occurring abroad then we limit the possibilities of our own learning opportunities. Global health is happening in our own backyard.