Featured Student
Isha Berry
PhD Epidemiology Candidate
Why did you choose to join the Collaborative Specialization in Global Health (CSGH)?
I have a background in global health and I was confident that this would be an important part of my PhD work as well. With this in mind, I was excited to join the CSGH so that I could share my experience with others who share this passion, as well as learn from their experiences. These experiences not only enrich the doctoral experience, but they help develop an important network of potential collaborators, colleagues, and friends as we move forward.
What is your favorite aspect of the CSGH?
The CSGH has allowed me to meet individuals who work/study global health but have very different training than I do—I am able to hear about the interesting work that happens in global nutrition, pharmacy, geography, as well as from my colleagues in public health. The global health director, Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero, has also been an invaluable mentor to me throughout the program.
How has the CSGH impacted your education/future goals?
The CSGH has solidified my passion for global health research. The ability to lead my PhD research through a global collaboration has been an invaluable experience, and I know that I will bring the lessons I have learned from this experience with me as I continue to work in this field.
What have you learned about global health that you would like to share with prospective students?
I have learned a lot of important lessons through my doctoral work in global health. I think the most important thing I have learned is the importance of relationship building with global health partners—it takes time to cultivate a strong relationship with research collaborators. However, it is absolutely worth it because the work you do will be much richer and more sustainable if it is founded in a strong global health partnership.