Current Funding, Awards and Learning Opportunities
Research Funding Flashes
The Office of Research sends out Research Funding Flashes by email to our faculty. These contain important information about internal competitions, funding and award opportunities and training sessions.
Archive of past RFFs
January |
February February 6, 2024February 24, 2024 |
March |
June |
July |
August |
September September 11, 2024 September 27, 2024 |
October October 8, 2024 October 23, 2024 |
November November 1, 2024 November 29, 2024 |
December December 12, 2024 |
Find Funding
DLSPH Seed Funding
The DLSPH has set aside seed funding for non-COVID-19 research to preserve the richness of our research portfolio through prioritization of non-COVID-19 research proposals. Please visit our Seed Funding page for more details on how to apply.
Pivot is a funding database which allows you to search for funding in any discipline and includes both Canadian and international funding opportunities.
Pivot is available to all faculty within the University of Toronto. To access Pivot, you need to first claim your profile using your utoronto email address.
University Toronto Research & Innovation
The university maintains a list of funding opportunities and has important information on internal deadlines, upcoming webinars etc.
UofT Funding Opportunities Database
Sign up for the UofT Research Alerts to be notified of upcoming research related news and opportunities.
University of Toronto Research Alerts
CIHR is Canada’s primary federal agency for health research. More information about their full range of programs can be found on the CIHR website.
NOTE: All new applicants must register to ResearchNet and obtain a CIHR PIN before applying.
See all CIHR funding opportunities
NSERC is Canada’s primary federal agency for research in science and engineering. More information about their full range of programs can be found on the NSERC website.
See all NSERC funding opportunities
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is Canada’s primary federal agency for social science and humanities research. More information about their full range of programs can be found on the SSHRC website.
Additional Resources for Partnership and Partnership Development Grants:
Evidence of a formal partnership document draft
Examples of PG LOI, PG, and PDG applications (UTORid may be required)
See all SSHRC funding opportunities
Public Health Agency of Canada
NIH is the United States’ medical research agency –supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health.
NIH Submission Guide U of T Resource Guide for faculty applying to NIH
NIH Subaward Submission Guide U of T Resource Guide to Completing & Submitting Subaward-Consortium documents
Grants.Gov Find application instructions and download application packages
NIH ASSIST NIH’s new web-based application system
See the common NIH funding opportunities
Honours, awards and prizes recognizing significant achievements in research and innovation are awarded by many national and international academies, foundations, scholarly associations, and academic institutions. We welcome both self nominations and suggestions of colleagues to nominate for awards.
For a list of upcoming awards, please visit:
Awards List
Find Training & Learning Opportunities
Name | Description | Date(s) |
MRHP (Online Research Ethics) Training |
MRHP Basics for PIs, PI Assistants and Students |
Continuing. Click on the registration link for latest dates. |
Centre for Research Innovation & Support (CRIS) | Resources and Training Opportunities are offered regularly | See the calendar for the latest events. |
DLSPH and University of Toronto Internal Competitions
Available Canada Research Chair Opportunities
Dear DLSPH tenured/tenure-stream faculty,
DLSPH invites applications for nominations to 3 upcoming special-call Canada Research Chairs (CRC) opportunities. The CRC Program attracts and retains some of the world’s most accomplished and promising minds. Chairholders aim to achieve research excellence in engineering and the natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
NSERC Tier 1 CRC in Population Health and Health System Innovations
- Only open to individuals who self-identify as women as defined by the Employee Equity Act or as trans, non-binary or Two-Spirit
- Applicants must be full-time tenured Full or Associate Professors in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health
- CRC slot anticipated start in Fall 2026
- Applications should include:
- a letter of interest (up to 5 pages) describing your qualifications and research plans for the position. Please use this opportunity to briefly address each CRC criteria and how you will address innovation within your program of research; and
- a curriculum vitae.
NSERC Tier 2 CRC in Population Health and Health System Innovations
- Only open to individuals who self-identify as women as defined by the Employee Equity Act or as trans, non-binary or Two-Spirit
- Applicants must be full-time tenure-stream Assistant or Associate Professors in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health
- CRC slot start date as soon as possible
- Applications should include:
- a letter of interest (up to 3 pages) describing your qualifications and research plans for the position. Please use this opportunity to briefly address each CRC criteria and how you will address innovation within your program of research;
- a curriculum vitae; and
- If you are more than 10 years from having earned your highest degree, an explanation of why you feel you qualify for a justification, as described here
SSHRC Tier 2 CRC in Indigenous Public Health
- Only open to individuals who self-identify as Indigenous Peoples
- Applicants must be full-time tenure-stream Assistant or Associate Professors in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health
- CRC slot start date as soon as possible
- Applications should include:
- a letter of interest (up to 3 pages) describing your qualifications and research plans for the position. Please use this opportunity to briefly address each CRC criteria;
- a curriculum vitae; and
- if you are more than 10 years from having earned your highest degree, an explanation of why you feel you qualify for a justification, as described here.
If you wish to be considered for more than one of these opportunities, note that one application and self-identification form per posting should be submitted, and the accompanying letter of intent should reflect each specific call separately.
All materials should be submitted to by March 5, 2025. If selected, applicants will be expected to complete their CRC submission, with the support of the Office of Research, by May 2025.
For more information about this opportunity, please contact the Acting Associate Dean of Research, Professor Erica Di Ruggiero (
Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2025
We are pleased to announce the recently launched 2025-2026 Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP): Supporting Researchers from Underrepresented Groups competition.
The value of each award is $80,000/year for 2 years, which includes a salary of $70,000/year with the remaining $10,000 contributing towards the employer costs (i.e. 10.5% benefits and 7.75% PDF levy). DLSPH will cover the remaining employer costs over $10,000, plus any annual salary increases as per the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 collective agreement. Successful postdoctoral scholars will also receive an additional start-up stipend payment of $5,000 (as taxable income) per year, funded by DLSPH. This level of funding exceeds the median postdoctoral salary at the University of Toronto and is in keeping with Canada’s most prestigious postdoctoral awards.
All Faculty Research Offices are invited to nominate their top three candidates in each PPFP self-identification category so DLSPH will run an internal competition in advance of the School of Graduate Studies’ April 1 deadline.
Notice of Intent to Apply: Tuesday, February 18, by 4:00 pm
Complete this short form with the name of the prospective applicant and supervisor.
Complete Application Package: Monday, March 3, by 4:00 pm
E-mail a single PDF document labeled “Last name, First Name_PPFP2025” to, which includes:
- A completed submission form – download here.
- A supervisor statement from the faculty advisor/mentor (Max two pages)
- Research or scholarship proposal from the nominee
(Max two pages plus up to two additional pages for references/citations) - Training statement from the nominee (Max one page)
- Nominee’s C.V. (No page restriction)
- A short personal biography written by the nominee (Max 1/3 page)
- A brief statement indicating the synergy between the applicant’s research proposal and:
- the research goals of the supervisor – 1 paragraph,
- the DLSPH academic plan - 1 paragraph and
- the mission of the University - 1 paragraph.
Supporting Documents
Details for what to include in each section can be found here. You are also encouraged to fully review the UofT Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program website.
If your proposal is selected to move forward in the competition, the DLSPH Office of Research will develop the required nomination letter from the graduate unit/department Chair that will be part of the final submission to the School of Graduate Studies, due April 1, 2025.
Questions? Please email with any questions.
2025 University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA) – Undergraduate
The UTEA program provides eligible UofT undergraduate students with funding support to conduct summer research projects directly under the supervision of UofT faculty members, augmenting the formal research courses offered at UofT and helping students better understand investigative methodologies. This year DLSPH has been allocated 2 social sciences & humanities (SSH) awards and 4 health & life sciences (HLS) awards.
14 full weeks during the summer term, beginning no earlier than May 1, 2025 and ending no later than September 30, 2025.
$5,250 from the UTEA program with a mandatory match from the faculty supervisor of $2,250. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to secure the matched minimum of $2,250.
Supervisor Eligibility
As stipulated by UofT policy, only full-time faculty members whose primary employer is UofT are eligible to supervise a UTEA award and they must be the principal investigator on an active tri-agency grant or pending tri-agency grant application at the start date of the award (May 1, 2025). A faculty member can supervise a maximum of 2 UTEA awards per year.
New this year: An MRA must be submitted by the supervisor at the time of application to the division (i.e. either IHPME or PHS). See the tipsheet linked below to guide applicants on how to properly complete an MRA for this program.
Eligibility and Program Guidelines
Application Form
UTEA MRA Tips Sheet
DLSPH Application Deadline
Please submit an MRA with the completed UTEA application uploaded in the “Document Attachments” section by 4:00 pm ET on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Please also send a confirmation email to once your MRA has been submitted.
2025 Tri-Agency Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
The Tri-Agency Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program has been designed to provide research experience for undergraduate students that complements degree programs in the natural sciences and engineering (NSERC), health and life sciences (CIHR) and the social sciences and humanities (SSHRC). Please note that the USRAs can be held by any faculty supervisor who is eligible to hold research funds at UofT.
16 full consecutive weeks in the summer term (between May 1 and September 1, 2025).
$6,000 from NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR with a mandatory contribution from the faculty supervisor’s other research funds of a minimum of $1,500. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to secure the minimum of $1,500.
This year there are 3 streams for applicants to consider:
1a) NSERC USRA: DLSPH has an allocation of 1 NSERC USRA. See the 2025 USRA Guidelines for details and eligibility. If more than 1 application is received, an internal DLSPH committee will choose the successful application with priority given to early career supervisors, followed by faculty members who hold grants at DLSPH or have submitted grants through DLSPH in the past 12 months.
1b) NSERC Black USRA: NSERC no longer provides an unlimited number of USRAs for students who self-identify as Black. Instead, they have placed a limit on the number that each institution can award – UofT’s allocation is 24. All NSERC applications will first be considered for the general NSERC USRA (#1a above). The applications of those students who were not selected for the general NSERC USRA and who self-identified as Black will be forwarded to the UofT Research Services Office (RSO). RSO will then coordinate a VPRI-led central selection process to award additional Black Student USRA’s from the University-wide allocation. Details and eligibility can be found on the NSERC Black Student & Indigenous Student USRAs Research Alert page.
2) NSERC Indigenous USRA: No limit. Details and eligibility can be found on the NSERC Black Student & Indigenous Student USRAs Research Alert page.
3) CIHR/SSHRC Black USRA: UofT has an allocation of 30 CIHR and 12 SSHRC URSAs. VPRI will lead a central selection process to award these USRA’s from the University-wide allocation. More details and eligibility can be found on the CIHR & SSHRC Black Student USRAs Research Alert page.
DLSPH Application Deadline
Please submit a downloaded pdf copy of the full application from the NSERC portal by 4:00 pm ET on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 to
For Program Guidelines and How to Apply: USRA Guidelines
Connaught Mid-Career Researcher Award 2024-2025
NOTE: This competition is now closed.
The Connaught Mid-Career Researcher Award is a nomination-based program that provides one-time funding of up to $250,000 to support mid-career researchers in leading significant, innovative research and continuing to grow their research programs, with the goal of attracting large scale external research funding, particularly from the Tri-Agencies. All UofT Divisions receive an annual allocation of nominations, determined by the proportionate 3-year rolling average of NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR funding. For 2024, DLSPH has been allocated 2 nominations.
Nominations must be submitted through one of two streams:
1. Accelerator stream: for those investigators aiming to lead larger or significantly different research programs than they have previously, while developing leadership skills and training the next generation of scientists. Goals may include but are not limited to: establishing national/international networks, changes in research direction or incorporating new disciplines.
2. Resurgence stream: for those investigators experiencing mid-career challenges, including but not limited to: expanding team sizes, increased committee/administrative duties, or a lack of success in securing external funding in an increasingly competitive climate.
In both streams, nominees are required to indicate, amongst other objectives, at least one specific external research funding opportunity that they intend to apply for. Priority should be given to Tri-Agency funding programs given the importance of these in driving CRC and other allocations for the University.
Mentorship is a critical component of this program, and nominees must identify one or more faculty members who will provide professional and academic mentorship during the Connaught-funded project.
Eligibility for the Mid-Career Researcher Award is limited to tenure-stream faculty members at the University of Toronto in any discipline, who hold the rank of Associate Professor and are between 5 and 15 years of their first academic appointment.
DLSPH-Specific Application Instructions
Interested DLSPH mid-career faculty members must submit the following materials to by 4:00 PM ET on Wednesday, December 4, 2024:
- A completed submission form, and
- a current CV.
Results of the internal competition will be shared with all applicants by December 20, 2024. The material requested by DLSPH is only a subset of the information needed for a full application; if a nomination is selected to be endorsed by DLSPH, the individual must complete the full application, described on the UofT Connaught website, in advance of the March 15, 2025 deadline.
Supporting Documents
For complete details including eligibility and the application process, please refer to the UofT Connaught website.
Network for Improving Health Systems
The Network for Improving Health Systems is a collaboration between the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and Dalla Lana School of Public Health. The Network is creating a strong engine for evidence and knowledge transfer around improving the health care system including evolving pharmacy practice and related health policy. It provides a crucial forum to identify opportunities in the health system for impactful change and to address barriers and challenges to innovation.
Find Out More
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship
Please note – the 2024 competition is now closed.
Past submission details:
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country’s economic, social and research-based growth.
All applications to be held at UofT must be approved by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) to receive the University’s endorsement. SGS is requesting that Faculty Research Offices nominate their most competitive candidate(s) as there are quotas imposed on the number of applications Canadian Universities can submit. For the 2024-2025 academic year, DLSPH is allowed to submit two applications.
- Please note that affiliated hospitals hold their own competitions and applicants should apply based on where their research will take place. DLSPH will prioritize applicants who will be employed by UofT or have paid fellowships held at UofT and the applicant will be required to be based at DLSPH.
How to Apply
- Submit a Notice of Intent by 4:00 pm EDT on July 9, 2024 by filling out this short form. NOIs will not be adjudicated but will be used to proactively identify review committee members.
- Submit the internal application package by 4:00 PM EDT on July 29, 2024 to the DLSPH Office of Research ( A complete internal application package includes:
- Submission form
- Canadian Common CV (CCV)
- Research proposal
- Supervisor’s statement
In addition, 3 reference letters (Arm’s Length Referee, 2nd Referee, 3rd Referee) must be sent by the referees directly to by the deadline.
Supporting Documents
For complete details including eligibility and the application process, please refer to the SGS Award Announcement. In an effort to strengthen the applications from UofT, SGS has put together a Banting Application Tip Sheet for applicants and supervisors. You are also encouraged to fully review the CIHR Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship awards website.