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Public Health Sciences Faculty Awards

Public Health Sciences Awards for Excellence in Teaching

Effective teachers in our School have shaped the thinking of a generation of public health professionals and researchers. Two awards are given each year to recognize excellence, outstanding effort, and impact of teaching in the classroom (in person and/or online). Teaching includes activities such as but not limited to lectures, webinars/seminars, tutorials, workshops, discussions, and laboratory/field experiences

Criteria:  Excellent teaching is reflected by, but not limited to, the following:

  • Use of evidence-informed approaches in the design of learning activities, assignments, courses, or curricula that motivate student learning
  • Leadership and innovation on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the classroom/campus
  • Leadership in the service of teaching (e.g., development of innovative methods, leadership in curriculum renewal, recognized scholarship in health science education),
  • Stimulation of critical, independent, and analytical thinking in students, and support for organizing their own learning
  • Stimulation of interest in and enthusiasm for the subject
  • Innovative, creative, and experimental teaching methods
  • Using personal expertise and experience to deepen student understanding and enrich the application of theory.
  • Offering significant opportunities for community engagement

Eligibility: Faculty with appointments in Public Health Sciences are eligible to receive an Early career (i.e., within five years of their first appointment) or Open (i.e., any stage of career).

Adjudication: A committee of peers drawn from core, status, cross-appointees, and adjunct faculty will assess and rate all applications received. For this award, nominations MUST demonstrate how the nominee’s supervision demonstrates and reflects respect for learners and any of the criteria listed above or other qualities demonstrating excellence in teaching of students, fellows, and professional learners within Public Health Sciences.


Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Supervision and Mentorship

One award is given each year to recognize excellence in the supervision and mentorship of graduate students/post-doctoral fellows/under-graduate students/professional learners (hereafter learners) in research practica, qualifying/comprehensive examinations, research projects (DrPH program), theses and/or dissertations. Effective, caring and committed supervision and mentorship of learners is essential for their success within the academy and in their future careers.

Supervision and mentorship include activities such as but not limited to supervision of qualifying examinations; research/dissertation proposals; implementation, analysis, writing and dissemination of theses, dissertations, research projects; and assisting with the development of integrity as a scientific investigator.

Criteria: Excellent supervision and mentorship is reflected in, but not limited to the following:

  • Fosters learner problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Uses a mentoring style that promotes respect, diversity, and inclusivity
  • Encourages and facilitates self-directed learning and independence
  • Provides opportunities and support to develop skills in scientific communication
  • Helps learners to develop time management skills and timely completion of their programs and projects in a timely fashion
  • Providing constructive, supportive, and timely feedback
  • Models and ensure learners adhere to the highest ethical and scientific standards in their work
  • Assists learners to set and achieve professional development and career goals
  • Helping learners to develop leadership and collaboration skills
  • Promotes learner wellbeing and work-life balance

Eligibility: Faculty with appointments in Public Health Sciences are eligible.

Adjudication: A committee of peers drawn from core, status, cross-appointees, and adjunct faculty will assess and rate all applications received. For this award, nominations MUST demonstrate how the nominee’s supervision/mentorship demonstrates and reflects respect for learners and any of the criteria listed above or other qualities demonstrating excellence in supervision and mentorship of students, fellows, and professional learners within Public Health Sciences.

Public Health Sciences award for Excellence in Service to the Public Health Sciences/University of Toronto and Professions

One award is given each year to recognize outstanding service contributions of faculty members to Public Health Sciences/the University of Toronto and/or to their profession.  Service to the university refers to activities such as but not limited to committees, task forces, advisory groups, self-studies, Research Ethics Board, Governing Council, UTFA, search committees and mentorship of colleagues, and excludes administrative roles for which faculty receive stipends. Service to the profession refers to activities such as but not limited to development of professional practices, editorship, leadership of professional organizations, leadership of conferences/meetings and mentorship. For the purposes of this award, excellence in service to the University will be prioritized over service to the profession.

Criteria: Excellence in service to the University and/or profession are reflected in but not limited to:

Public Health Sciences/University of Toronto

  • Service on major task forces and have a significant impact on the future of the university
  • Demonstrated impact on equity, diversity, and inclusion within Public Health Sciences/University of Toronto
  • Leadership/extensive service contributions to committees, reviews, self studies, search committees
  • Development of a new program, unit, centre, or institute
  • Outstanding commitment to the mentorship of colleagues, inclusive of staff
  • Administrative service during times of major transition.


  • Leadership in the review and dissemination of research (e.g., journal editor)
  • Demonstrated impact on equity, diversity and inclusion within a professional group
  • Establishment of academic centre of excellence or renowned research unit/centre or program,
  • Leadership in a research council, research funding organization, conference, or meeting
  • Leadership of a professional association
  • Outstanding commitment to the mentorship of colleagues within professional association
  • Exemplary professional practice in the candidate’s profession.

Eligibility: Faculty with appointments in Public Health Sciences are eligible.

Adjudication: A committee of peers drawn from core, status, cross-appointees, and adjunct faculty will assess and rate all applications received. For this award, nominations MUST demonstrate how the nominee’s work demonstrates and reflects respect for members of the University and/or professional community and any of the criteria listed above or other qualities demonstrating excellence in service to the University and/or profession.

Public Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Service to the Communities

One award is given each year to recognize outstanding service contributions of community engaged faculty members. For decades, our faculty have  contributed to the improvement of population health and well being locally, nationally, and internationally. Service to the communities refers to activities such as but not limited to community advocacy, community capacity building, community-based research,  community mentorship and/or task forces.

Criteria: Excellence in service to the communities is reflected in but not limited to:

  • Demonstrated passion, sense of mission, and dedication to a community health-related cause
  • Demonstrated impact on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the community
  • Development of impactful programs, interventions, policy, and other initiatives that improve the health and wellbeing of the community
  • High level of social responsibility, and commitment to social justice
  • Innovation and excellence in the application of knowledge to practice at the community level.
  • Significant contribution to community engagement and debate

Eligibility: Faculty with appointments in the Public Health Sciences are eligible.

Adjudication: A committee of peers drawn from core, status, cross-appointees, and adjunct faculty will assess and rate all applications received. For this award, nominations MUST demonstrate how the nominee’s work demonstrates and reflects respect for communities with whom they work and any of the criteria listed above or other qualities demonstrating excellence in service to the community.

Public Health Sciences Anthony Miller Award for Excellence in Research

This award is designated to honour Dr. Anthony Miller and his commitment to excellence in research. Two awards are given each year to recognize excellence in research including innovation is methods, findings, dissemination, and impact.

Criteria: Excellence in research is reflected in but not limited to:

  • The development of specific new areas of scientific inquiry,
  • Recognized, significant contribution to knowledge in a particular field of inquiry
  • Pioneering new methods of analysis, models of processes under investigation, or theoretical perspectives that are subsequently widely acclaimed,
  • Candidate’s work is widely cited in the literature as “definitive”, “classic” or “important” studies in their field of inquiry,
  • Commitment to the dissemination of research findings and their application in community and practice settings

Eligibility: Faculty with appointments in Public Health Sciences are eligible to receive an Early career (i.e., within five years of their first appointment) or Open (i.e., any stage of career).

Adjudication: A committee of peers drawn from core, status, cross-appointees, and adjunct faculty will assess and rate all applications received. For this award, nominations MUST demonstrate how the nominee research programs reflects excellence

2024-25 Public Health Sciences Faculty Awards: Nominations now open

Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025

To nominate a faculty member, please download the Nomination Form and submit by the deadline. Faculty can be nominated for multiple awards (one nomination only per form).

Award recipients will be felicitated at the PHS Faculty Awards presentation ceremony to be held on June 2, 2025.

Staff Awards

Outstanding Administrative Staff Award

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health employs more than 75 administrative, research and technical staff, all of whom contribute greatly to the Schools vision, mission and values. They support our students, help to recruit and retain our faculty, service our research and maintain and improve the vast infrastructure upon which our academic enterprise relies.  The Outstanding Administrative Staff Award honours staff whose work and dedication have helped to make the Dalla Lana School of Public Health the celebrated Faculty that it is today.

Outstanding Research Staff Award

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health employs more than 75 administrative, research and technical staff, all of whom contribute greatly to the Schools vision, mission and values. They support our students, help to recruit and retain our faculty, service our research and maintain and improve the vast infrastructure upon which our academic enterprise relies.  The Outstanding Research Staff Award honours staff whose work and dedication have helped to make the Dalla Lana School of Public Health the celebrated Faculty that it is today.

View Previous Award Recipients (by year)