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Founded in 1927, the School of Hygiene, now the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), was born out of the tenacious belief and diligent work in public health education and measures, disease control, and vaccine development. It was through this work that many diseases such as diphtheria were controlled and eradicated in cities across Canada.

In Toward the Health of a Nation, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) Professor Leslie Boehm writes, “Hospitals and health policy have sustained a place in our national history. Canadians have long had an interest in health and social welfare. And, the hospitals this program initially concentrated on are an important part of our provincial and local history.”

The origins, history, and current work of the DLSPH and the IHPME have proven to be a vital resource with great impact several times over the past century. The importance of public health is undeniable once again.


With the support of our philanthropic partners, alumni and friends, we are educating Canada’s future public health leaders, significantly influencing health policies and practices, and uncovering new knowledge that will help entire populations flourish. This investment in public health will move us towards a vision of ensuring healthy lives for everyone, both in Canada and around the world.

When you choose to financially support the School, your impact is greater than what one person could accomplish alone. Your support combined with that of the Dalla Lana family and the thousands of alumni and friends throughout our history, we can maintain and grow our position as one of the most innovative and leading-edge public health Schools in the world.

 Office of Advancement