Faculty Member
Ted Myers Ph.D., M.Sc., M.S.W., B.A.
- Email Address(es)
- ted.myers(at)utoronto.ca
- Office Address
- Dalla Lana School of Public Health Health Sciences Building 155 College Street, 6th Floor Toronto, ON M5T 3M7
- Website(s)
- HIV Social Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit, CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Epidemiology Division
Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Division - Position
- Professor Emeritus
- SGS Status
- Member Emeritus
Research Interests
- HIV Prevention
- Social Drivers and HIV
- Contextual Analysis of Risk
- Determinants of Risk Behaviour
- Sexuality, Sexualities,
- African and Asian Sexualities
- Power in relationships
- Ethno-cultural responses to HIV
- Substance use / injection drug use
- Community-based research and models
- Programme evaluation
- First Nations People and HIV
- Rehabilitation and HIV
Education & Training History
PhD 1982 Dept. of Psychiatry The University of Edinburgh
MSc 1978 Dept. of Health Care and Epidemiology University of British Columbia
MSW 1971 School of Social Work Univeristy of Manitoba
BA 1967 Faculty of Arts and Science University of Saskatchewan
Other Affiliations
Cross Appointments:
Division of Epidemiology
Editorial Boards:
AIDS Education and Prevention
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Culture, Health and Sexuality (To 2012)
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
Current Courses Taught
- CHL 5110 – Theory and Practice of Programme Evaluation (Course Instructor, and Co-Instructor)
Graduate Courses Previously Taught:
- CHL 5203 – Survey Methods I (Course Instructor)
- CHL 5802 – Planning in Health Promotion and Population Health (Course Instructor)
- CHL 3810 – Program Planning and Evaluation (Redeveloped) (Course Instructor)
- CHL 3810 – Principles of Health Services Planning (Course Instructor)
- CHL 3407 – Sociology of Mental Health (Course Instructor)
- CHL 3001 – Canada’s Health Case System (Lecturer and Tutor)
Professional Summary & Appointments
Previous Administrative Positions:
Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
Co-Director, HIV Social Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit
Honours & Awards
2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
2007 The John Hastings Award for Excellence in Service to the Community and the University, University of Toronto
2003-2012 Career Scientist Award, Ontario HIV Treatment Network
National Health Scholar, 1988 – 1999, National Health Research and Development Program
2002 Distringuished Researcher in Residence, Centre for Research on Gender, University of Auckland
1999 Anthony B. Miller Award for Excellence in Research, University of Toronto
1990 Best Paper Award – National Research Committee, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, 32nd Annual Scieintific Assembly (Co-author)
1988 Anne Crichton Award, UBC Health Care and Epidemiology Alumni Association, University of British Columbia
Current Research Projects
- 2008 – 2013 – CIHR Centre in HIV Prevention Social Research / Centre des IRSC en recherche sociale pour la prevention du VIH
- 2003 – 2013 – Male Call Canada: An In-depth Study of Current and Emerging Issues, and the Changing Social and Behavioural Determinants Related to HIV Transmission among Men Who have Sex with Men.
- 2011 – 2013 – Focusing HIV and STI Prevention: Using data on the lives and health behaviours of men who have sex with men (MSM) in China to develop effective, evidence-informed strategies.
- 2007 – 2012 – Centre for Health and Development, Nigeria
- 2006 – 2012 – Prevention, Care and Support for Vulnerable Populations at Risk for HIV/STI’s in Shanghai, China
Representative Publications
Adebajo SB, Eluwa G, Allman D , Myers T , Ahonsi B. (2012) Prevalence of internalized homophobia and HIV associated risks among men who have sex with men in Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health (In Press)
Allman, D., Myers, T., Xu, K., & Steele, J. (2012). The social technographics of gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM): Implications for HIV research, outreach and prevention. Digital Culture & Education, (4) 1, 126 – 145.
De Wit J., Aggleton P., Myers T., Crewe M (2011) The rapidly changing paradigm of HIV prevention: time to strengthen social and behavioural approaches Health Education Research, 26 (3): 381-392.
Myers T, Allman D, Remis R, Xu KY, Aguinaldo JP, Burchell A, Calzavara L, Swantee C.(2009) The prevalence and correlates of HCV infection and HCV-HIV co-infection among a community sample of gay and bisexual men. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 13 (6) 730-739.
Aguinaldo, J. P., Myers, T., Ryder, K., Haubrich, D. J., & Calzavara, L. (2009). Accounts of seroconversion among substance using gay and bisexual men. Qualitative Health Research 19(10) 1395-1406.
Allman D, Xu KY, Myers T, Aguinaldo JP, Calzavara L, Remis R, Maxwell J. (2009) Delayed Application of Condoms with Safer and Unsafe Sex: Factors Associated with HIV Risk in a Community Sample of Gay and Bisexual Men. AIDS Care 21 (6) 775-784.
Worthington, C., O’Brien, K., Myers, T., Nixon, S., Cockerill, R (2009) Expanding the Lens of HIV Services Provision in Canada: Results of a National Survey of HIV Health Professionals. AIDS Care. 21(11): 1371-1380.
Aguinaldo, J. P., & Myers, T. (2008). A Discursive Approach to Disinhibition Theory: The Normalization of Unsafe Sex among Gay Men. Qualitative Health Research. 18 (2), 167-181
Worthington, C., Myers, T., O’Brien, K., Nixon, S., Cockerill, R, and Bereket, T. (2008) Rehabilitation Professionals and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Care: Results of a National Canadian Survey. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89 (1), 105-113
Myers, T., Worthington, C., Aguinaldo, J. P., Haubrich, D. J., Ryder, K., & Rawson, B. (2007). Impact of giving an HIV positive test among test AIDS Care 19 (8): 1013-1019.
Allman, D., Adebajo, S., Myers, T., Odumuye, O., Ogunsola S. (2007) Challenges for the Sexual Health and Social Acceptance of Men Who have Sex with Men in Nigeria. Culture, Health and Sexuality 9 (2) 153 – 168
Allman, D., Myers, T., Schellenberg., J. Strike, C, J., Cockerill, R. and W. Cavalieri (2007) Improving Health and Social Care Relationships for Harm Reduction. International Journa.l of Drug Policy18 (3) 194 – 203.
Worthington C. Myers T, O’Brien K, Nixon S, Cockerill R. (2005) Rehabilitation in HIV/AIDS: Development of an Expanded Conceptual Framework, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 19 (4) 258-271.
Myers T, Aggleton P, Kippax S. (2004) Perspectives on Harm Reduction: editorial introduction. Critical Public Health, 14 (4) 325-328.
Myers T, Aguinaldo J., Fischer B., Bullock S., Dakers D., Leaver C., Millson P, Calzavara L. (2004) How Drug Using Men who have Sex with Men Account for Substance Use During Sexual Behaviours: Questioning Assumptions of HIV Prevention and Research. Addiction Research and Theory, 12 (3) 213-229.
Haubrich, D., Myers, T., Calzavara, L., Ryder, K., Medved, W. (2004) Gay and Bisexual Men’s Experiences of Bathhouse Culture and Sex: “Looking for love in all the wrong places” Culture, Health and Sexuality 6 (1) 19 – 29.
Leaver, CA, Allman D, Myers, T., and Veugelers, P. (2004) Effectiveness of HIV Prevention in Ontario: A Multi-level Comparison of Bisexual Men. American Journal of Public Health. 94 (7) 1181 – 1186.
Myers T, Worthington C, Haubrich DJ, Ryder K and Calzavara L. (2003) HIV Testing and Counselling: Test Providers’ Experiences of Best Practices AIDS Education and Prevention, 15 (4) 309-319.
Worthington C. and Myers T. (2003) Factors underlying anxiety in HIV testing: risk perceptions, stigma, and the patient-provider power dynamic Qualitative Health Research. 13 (2) 1-20