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Shelly Bolotin to Head Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases

By Heidi Singer Shelly Bolotin has been fascinated by infectious disease all her life – first the biology of it, and then the profound way social, economic and other human factors drive its spread. “Viruses are smarter than we are --  that blows my mind,” says DLSPH’s Associate Professor of...

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A Blueprint for Black Food Sovereignty in Toronto

By Heidi Singer DLSPH faculty helped make history last month with the launch of North America’s first Black Food Sovereignty Program – an attempt to address food insecurity by creating a Black-run food pipeline from field to table. The Toronto Black Food Sovereignty Plan, the result of a unique partnership between...

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Partnering with Faith Communities to Promote Vaccines — What Works?

Across Canada, public health officials are trying new partnerships and approaches to encourage vaccine confidence. DLSPH researchers hope to learn whether these efforts help. By Heidi Singer DLSPH researchers are beginning to study how Canadian public health officials and religious leaders are collaborating to build vaccine confidence in communities and...

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Waking Up to the Reasons Behind Chronic Sleeplessness

By Françoise Makanda, DLSPH PhD student Kristie Serota started quilting for a research project on insomnia. Quilting helps her question the ‘sleep industrial complex.’ While she radically accepts her bouts of sleeplessness, her professor in the Social and Behavioural Sciences division, insomnia researcher Michael Atkinson, suggests that it might be...

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Training the Next Generation of Applied Health Researchers

New fellowship program places researchers in Ontario Health Teams to improve learning and health outcomes. By Heidi Singer Mulugeta Chala is settling into his new workplace. The newly minted PhD has just moved his family across the province to start a fellowship program in London, Ontario. For the next year,...

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Return to In-​Person Classes Announcement – Winter Term 2022

New Building Image

Dear DLSPH community, After extensive research and careful consideration of multiple academic and social factors and public health guidance, we have decided to return to in-person courses for the Winter 2022 term. Instructors will determine what in-person means for their Winter course(s) and communicate accordingly to students. For the majority...

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Global North Accountability Needed in Research Studies to “Decolonize Global Health”

Françoise Makanda at DLSPH “Friends have warned me that they want to take your blood because later, they will sell it,” says a transgender Peruvian woman who participated in a recent trial of the HIV prevention drug PrEP. “We are experiments for other countries to see whether or not we react...

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Update on Building Access

Dear DLSPH Community, I would like to share our plans for safely navigating DLSPH buildings during the Fall 2021 Term. As a school of public health, we must be exemplary in our own COVID safety protocols. As such, our newly revised protocols (see attached), developed in consultation with DLSPH’s occupational...

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DLSPH-​Led Experts Offer Tactics to Catch Up on Routine Immunizations

By Heidi Singer A DLSPH-led group of experts is calling on governments, physicians, schools and other health providers to step up immunizations for serious diseases like measles and polio to prevent new epidemics from cropping up. The vaccine experts, led by members of DLSPH’s Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases (CVPD),...

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New Collaborative Builds Primer for Missing Black Health Curriculum

By Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH A cadre of prominent Canadian Black Health researchers is coming together as The Black Health Education Collaborative (BHEC) to provide Black health education for all health professionals and students. The Collaborative’s first module will be available to students next year. The resource serves...

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