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Toronto’s first peer cancer education program for black women improves awareness and screening

Public health researchers created a first-of-its-kind peer education project targeting black women to improve breast and cervical cancer awareness and screening for black women living in Toronto’s Malvern community. “There is a lot of silence in the black community. People think that cancer is not a black issue and many...

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VIDEO: Dean’s Leadership Series: Can we Innovate our way to a Sustainable Health System?

Watch the full presentation of the inaugural Dean's Leadership Series featuring keynote speaker Dr. David Naylor, University of Toronto President Emeritus, and an expert panel addressing the question: can we innovate our way to a sustainable health system? Panellists: André Picard, Globe and Mail columnist; Susan Fitzpatrick, Toronto Central LHIN...

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Two Public Health Professors Receive Canada Research Chairs

Examining and improving societal health with enhanced prevention strategies, equitable resource allocation and innovative policy design are the focus of two new Canada Research Chairs awarded to Dalla Lana School of Public Health professors. Assistant Professor Laura Rosella and Associate Professor Arjumand Siddiqi received Canada Research Chairs from the Tri-agency...

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Dalla Lana School of Public Health hosts distinguished panel on health system innovation

An expert panel of thought leaders with distinctive viewpoints on Canada’s healthcare system met on February 3, 2016 at the University of Toronto to address the question: can we innovate our way to a sustainable health system? More than 350 students, alumni, faculty, staff and partners attended the event where...

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Professor Alex Jadad appointed Director of the Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation

Professor Alejandro (Alex) Jadad is the permanent Director of the Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation (IGHEI) as of January 1, 2016. His primary institutional home will shift from University Health Network and the Faculty of Medicine to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. “This is an important...

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HIV researcher receives $75K grant from Elton John AIDS Foundation

Dan Allman received a $75,000 grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation in support of his work to prevent HIV infection among Canadian sex workers. “The Elton John Foundation doesn’t typically fund universities, but they found our project to be particularly compelling and community-oriented,” said Allman, an Assistant Professor in...

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Associate Professor Pia Kontos reminds us that those living with Alzheimer’s are #StillHere

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and Associate Professor Pia Kontos’ research challenges misconceptions about the disease, which is the aim of the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s #StillHere campaign. “People with dementia face discrimination and social rejection. Often they are ignored. People will address their caregiver even when the person with...

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Five per cent of Ontario residents account for majority of health care costs

Five per cent of Ontarians account for 65 per cent of provincial health care costs attributable to individual care with the top one per cent accounting for one third of these costs overall, according to a study by Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation researchers. “Ontario spent more than...

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Professor Anita Benoit appointed Interim Associate Director of the Waakebiness-​Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health

Professor Anita Benoit is the Interim Associate Director of the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health (WBIIH) as of January 1, 2016. “I’m looking forward to furthering the Institute’s vision of contributing to thriving Indigenous communities, locally and globally,” said Benoit, who is an Assistant Professor at the Dalla Lana School...

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U of T experts offer recommendations on physician-​assisted dying

This week, two reports were published on physician-assisted dying, both of which emphasize a collaborative, equitable approach that is part of a continuum of end of life care options. On February 6, 2016, Canadian healthcare institutions must provide access to physician-assisted dying, as mandated by the Supreme Court of Canada....

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