Philanthropist and social entrepreneur Dr. Michael Dan receives honorary degree

By: Geoffrey Vendeville, U of T News Canada's Indigenous Peoples face a litany of health problems, from higher rates of diabetes and smoking to malnutrition and infant mortality. There's no simple solution, but researchers at the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health are looking to make a difference. They have produced research...
The Aging City: U of T expert leads Toronto Senior Strategy 2.0
June 20/2018By: Rebecca Biason, IHPME Events & Communications Coordinator On May 22, 2018, the City of Toronto unanimously passed the Toronto Seniors Strategy 2.0, which articulates 27 high-impact recommendations to improve the health, wellness and quality of life of seniors in our city. “These are deep recommendations that will require more...
Appointment of Professor Adalsteinn Brown as Dean, DLSPH
June 18/2018Sent on behalf of the Vice-President & Provost, Cheryl Regehr (PDAD&C #110, 2017-18) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I am delighted to announce that the Agenda Committee of Academic Board has approved the appointment of Professor Adalsteinn (Steini) Brown as Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) for a five-year term, beginning...
More than 300,000 Canadians enrolled in multi-decade research initiative to monitor disease trends

Over the past 10 years, more than 300,000 Canadians have volunteered to be part of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP), a research platform that tracks the development of cancers and chronic diseases in the population over several decades to better understand disease risk factors. On June 11, researchers...
University of Toronto remembers Professor Jack Tu
June 01/2018By: Brianne Tulk, Communications Officer, Department of Medicine University of Toronto faculty, students and staff are mourning Prof. Jack Tu, an internationally-renowned cardiologist and professor in both the Department of Medicine and the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, who passed away on May 30. click here for Dr. Tu's...
DLSPH Open: Dalla Lana Family Gift Agreement
May 28/2018Dear colleagues, Earlier this year we announced that our Faculty’s founding benefactors, Paul and Alessandra Dalla Lana, committed a second $20-million gift to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, doubling down on their first investment made in 2008. With their combined support of $40-million, this is an unprecedented level...
DLSPH Student Blog – Reflections on the PEGASUS: PEace, Global health, and SUStainability Conference
May 25/2018DLSPH Student Blog By: Michelle Amri, PhD Student, Dalla Lana School of Public Health The PEGASUS Conference, an acronym built from the first letters of the main themes: PEace, Global health, And SUStainability, was not a typical conference. With a theme of “From Evidence to Action,” the conference called participants to action, healing, and...
U of T study finds food insecurity increases diabetes risk

Public health researchers find that food insecurity more than doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes By: Deborah Creatura and Nicole Bodnar Adults in Ontario who live in food-insecure households had more than twice the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, compared to those with food security, according to...
U of T report explores workers’ experience in the global gig economy

Rise in temporary contract work and income insecurity has far-reaching health implications By: Lindsay Curtis, Communications Officer, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing A report exploring the rapidly growing gig economy reveals new insights and deeper understanding of how online platform-mediated work has the potential to transform the future of work...
Rising Rates of Diabetes among Young People Inspire International PhD Project

By: Rebecca Biason, IHPME Events & Communications Coorindator Once thought of as a disease that only affected older adults, diabetes is now being diagnosed increasingly in young people under the age of 30, and the implications of this have yet to be fully studied. “It is a global phenomenon occurring...