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Climate Change is Increasing Incidence of a Cholera-​Like Disease in the U.S.

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH A new study led by DLSPH alumnae found that the United States is experiencing a rise in vibriosis, an infectious disease caused by cholera-like bacteria, and rising sea temperatures from climate change are likely to blame. Vibriosis infections are caused by the same...

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Study led by U of T professor shows male surgeons make more than female surgeons for same time worked

By Gabrielle Giroday, Faculty of Medicine Female surgeons in Ontario are earning 24 per cent less than their male counterparts for the same time spent in surgeries, a new study involving University of Toronto researchers shows. The study – published in JAMA Surgery today – studied more than 3,200 male...

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Prof Carles Muntaner Inducted to The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

DLSPH Prof. Carles Muntaner has been inducted into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences – one of the highest honours within Canada’s academic community. DLSPH writer Françoise Makanda spoke with Muntaner to learn more about the award and its impact on his work. Q: Congratulations on this recognition! How do...

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“It’s not only whether you wake up and feel healthy but when you wake up, do you have access to land and food security?”

A DLSPH Researcher on Access to Care in the Far North By Heidi Singer After spending her early years in Labrador, the North was always part of Prof. Susan Chatwood’s circle of friends and family.  So it felt like a natural place to land when she became a nurse in...

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A trailblazer in women’s health research – Fahima Dossa wins Royal Society of Canada’s Alice Wilson Award

By Rebecca Biason, Communications, IHPME For much of her time at U of T’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME), Fahima Dossa’s research has sought to understand the health care decisions that women make, specifically those who undergo genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, to determine...

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People in Residential Buildings Smell Cannabis More Than Cigarette Smoke: U of T Researchers

U of T researchers found that more people in apartment buildings and condos reported being exposed to cannabis smoke than to tobacco in the year before legalization. In 2017, based on surveys of Ontario residents living in multi-unit dwellings, an estimated 800,000 people smelled cannabis smoke from hallways, other units or...

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The Future of Obesity May be Whiter, Older and Male

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH DLSPH Prof. Laura Rosella and her team at the Population Health Analytics Lab predicts that in ten years the typical Canadian living with obesity will most likely be a Canadian-born white man, between the age of 50 and 64 – and that he...

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Weight Gained from Psychiatric Medications Can Be Lost With Basic Diet and Exercise

By Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH Weight gain can be a major challenge for patients taking psychiatric medications. But a new DLSPH-led study suggests basic exercise and dieting are effective at controlling it. “A lot of doctors tell patients they won’t be able to lose weight because they are...

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Uncovering the Communities with the Highest Premature Deaths in Ontario

Alumnus Emmalin Buajitti

U of T researchers have conducted the first spatial analysis of death in Ontario, discovering that social and demographic factors  are by far the biggest factors in predicting who dies before their time. Public health researchers used traditional statistical and geography tools to break down premature death rates community by...

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Reducing Waste in Health Care – Are We Making Progress?

Assistant Professor Sara Allin

For the past five years, Choosing Wisely Canada has helped introduce patients to the idea that there could be a downside to unnecessary tests and procedures. Although the movement is focussed squarely on what’s best for patients, health systems researchers are following Choosing Wisely closely --  interested in whether it...

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