Your questions answered: the path to an effective COVID-19 vaccine

On May 26, 2020, IHPME hosted a COVID-19 webinar — the twelfth in the DLSPH COVID-19 webinar series — exploring the path to an effective COVID-19 vaccine. It featured leaders from research, policy and private industry describing the pharmaceutical trajectory of new antiviral products (including the COVID-19 vaccine), from development...
DLSPH Researchers Create Engaging Mental Health Resource for Sexual and Gender Minority Men and Other Guys into Guys

U of T researchers have launched a comprehensive website to support guys into guys— gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, two-spirit, gender queer, gender non-binary, trans, and other guys who are sexually and/or romantically interested in other guys. The resource, called, is a product of significant community consultation work and is...
U of T Researchers to Study Impact of Cannabis on Indigenous Oral Health

Clinical research and Indigenous knowledge models will help team gather first evidence of effects of cannabis on Indigenous peoples of Canada A multidisciplinary team from the University of Toronto, with experts from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public...
U of T Modelling Shows Ontario Must Keep Distancing to Continue Opening Up

University of Toronto researchers have found fresh evidence that Ontario’s physical distancing measures have worked. But their newest models suggest that without more testing and tracing, an increase to more than 50 percent of pre-COVID physical contact would quickly overwhelm the province’s ICUs. The model is a worst-case scenario that...
U of T students develop informatics platform to aid COVID-19 decision making

Rapid Evidence Access Link (REAL) is an COVID-19 evidence pipeline for government and health sector leaders By: Nicole Bodnar An interdisciplinary team of health systems students and professionals built a digital platform that rapidly provides reliable COVID-19 information to health sector leaders and decision-makers across Ontario. Rapid Evidence Access Link...
U of T Lab Provides Mask Protocol Testing Amid Domestic Shortage

By Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH In less than three months, a small lab at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health is helping healthcare providers validate their mask reprocessing processes by testing the efficiency of filters at capturing fine particles. The lab in the Gage building is also...
Closing Schools Effective Against COVID-19 – Hot Weather Doesn’t Help

U of T Researchers Publish First Peer-Reviewed Global Study Showing Summer Won’t End Transmission of the Virus By Heidi Singer University of Toronto researchers have found the first hard evidence that hot weather doesn’t help in the fight against COVID-19 -- but that closing schools does. “If we open schools...
NAO partners with WHO on COVID-19 information sharing

The North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO) is contributing to domestic and international efforts to reliably track and document the policy interventions by federal, provincial and territorial governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “By creating a credible, open resource that captures the timing, intensity and range...
Natasha Crowcroft to lead WHO’s Measles and Rubella Program

Dr. Natasha Crowcroft has accepted an international leadership role with the World Health Organization (WHO) as Senior Technical Advisor - Measles and Rubella Control that she will begin later this spring. “I’m thrilled to take on this new challenge with WHO – my dream job following a decade of working...
CPTP is now CanPath

The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) is now CanPath, the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health. This change is the result of extensive consultation with scientific leadership, funders, regional cohorts, participants and the National Strategic Advisory Council, in a national branding exercise that culminated on March 16, 2020. “Our Leadership Team carefully considered how the CPTP name represented the important work...