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Meet IHPME’s first Health Systems Artificial Intelligence emphasis student: Dr. Rashmi Nedadur

By: Nicole Bodnar The Health Systems Artificial Intelligence (AI) emphasis — IHPME’s newest Health Services Research area of specialty — will welcome its first student this September. “My goal is to be a surgeon-scientist with expertise in AI and cardiovascular medicine,” said Dr. Rashmi Nedadur, a cardiac surgery resident at...

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DLSPH welcomes Francisco Ibáñez-​Carrasco as part-​time Assistant Professor, Learning Innovation

Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco was appointed as a part-time Assistant Professor, Learning Innovation at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health on July 2, 2020. Francisco is nationally recognized for excellence in pedagogy and educational leadership, and for his ability to inspire and connect through innovative and inclusive teaching. His priority this...

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Eleven DLSPH research teams receive CIHR funding for COVID-​19 projects

Eleven research teams led by DLSPH and IHPME faculty have received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to address the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and globally. “Now more than ever, our community’s research expertise is critically needed to support Canada’s pandemic recovery,” said Professor France Gagnon, Associate...

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Attention to health disparities must guide efforts to monitor and mitigate the impact of COVID-​19

Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic must consider the complex interplay between socioeconomic status and health disparities, according to an analysis led by a team of U of T researchers published in the British Medical Journal. The paper, “Using socioeconomics to counter health disparities arising from the covid-19 pandemic,” argues...

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DLSPH launches a pan-​Canadian study to understand the financing, organization, and performance of provincial and territorial public health systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on the critical role of public health, revealing variations across the country in the preparedness and effectiveness of provincial and territorial (PT) public health systems. Yet, surprisingly little is known about how public health is financed, governed, and organized, and the composition of...

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Your questions answered: the path to an effective COVID-​19 vaccine

On May 26, 2020, IHPME hosted a COVID-19 webinar — the twelfth in the DLSPH COVID-19 webinar series — exploring the path to an effective COVID-19 vaccine. It featured leaders from research, policy and private industry describing the pharmaceutical trajectory of new antiviral products (including the COVID-19 vaccine), from development...

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U of T students develop informatics platform to aid COVID-​19 decision making

Rapid Evidence Access Link (REAL) is an COVID-19 evidence pipeline for government and health sector leaders By: Nicole Bodnar An interdisciplinary team of health systems students and professionals built a digital platform that rapidly provides reliable COVID-19 information to health sector leaders and decision-makers across Ontario. Rapid Evidence Access Link...

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Your questions answered: economic implications of the COVID-​19 pandemic

On April 30, 2020, IHPME hosted its first COVID-19 webinar — the sixth in the DLSPH COVID-19 webinar series — exploring the economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. It featured four health economists discussing how integrated economic and epidemiological modelling could support policy decisions and provided insights into how Canada...

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COVID-​19 is a Deadly Threat to Children

by Natasha Crowcroft, Director of the University of Toronto's Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases; Professor, University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health and David Morley C.M., President and CEO, UNICEF Canada With the world anxiously awaiting a vaccine for COVID-19, the importance of vaccinations has not received such...

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System Leadership and Innovation students demonstrate leadership in COVID-​19 Response

It’s no coincidence that many of the U of T students leading the COVID-19 response are part of IHPME’s System Leadership and Innovation (SLI) Program. From curating resources and data to supporting health professionals and community members, several SLI students are emerging as future physician-leaders through system innovation and transformation....

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