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DLSPH-​Led Experts Offer Tactics to Catch Up on Routine Immunizations

By Heidi Singer A DLSPH-led group of experts is calling on governments, physicians, schools and other health providers to step up immunizations for serious diseases like measles and polio to prevent new epidemics from cropping up. The vaccine experts, led by members of DLSPH’s Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases (CVPD),...

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Building a Learning Public Health System

Across the country, there are calls to seize on the disruption caused by COVID to create better, stronger health systems – not least to deal with the coming wave of disease that will be diagnosed later due to missed care during the pandemic. This has accelerated interest in intelligent health...

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Strengthening Ties With Public Health Experts in Kenya

DLSPH is renewing its partnership with Moi University’s School of Public Health in research and education opportunities around shared public health interests – particularly universal health coverage. The renewal is part of a strategic plan to strengthen global health at DLSPH, including the establishment last year of the Centre for...

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Dean Brown Discusses Pandemic With DLSPH Alumni

Ontario stands at a turning point in its progress against COVID-19, says Prof. Steini Brown, co-chair of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. If the province continues rolling out vaccines in a thoughtful and equitable way, we will see a strong return to normalcy. But stumbling could bring in a...

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A New Interim Director for the Institute for Pandemics

Nelson Lee in grey suit with tie, glasses

Almost 20 years ago, Dr. Nelson Lee returned from postgraduate training in Vancouver to become one of the first infectious disease physicians in his native Hong Kong. A year later, in March 2003, his hospital became ground zero for the SARS outbreak. When Lee first identified the outbreak, over 138...

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Dean Steini Brown’s Statement on Discovery of Unmarked Graves in Saskatchewan

Dear DLSPH community, Today, after learning about the 751 children discovered in unmarked graves at Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan, I am reflecting on what I can do to advance Reconciliation -- and what can be done by the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the University of...

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Teaching the Art of Diplomacy in Public Health

Garry Aslanyan in front of the WHO, wearing suit with arms folded

He works with national governments and world bodies, but DLSPH Adj. Prof. Garry Aslanyan always maintains a simple question in the back of his head: ‘What does this mean for the health of a person?’ It’s a question that can easily get lost in cities like Geneva and New York,...

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Vivek Goel’s Public Health Vision

Prof. Vivek Goel – his career, and academic evolution --  is deeply entwined with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and its emergence as Canada’s top public health school. As the former U of T provost and emeritus IHPME professor prepares to become president of the University of Waterloo,...

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Meet DLSPH’s New Indigenous Health Lead

head shot of Assoc. Prof. Angela Mashford-Pringle with long hair, glasses, open-necked top, spring leaves in wooded background

Asst. Prof. Angela Mashford-Pringle, is DLSPH’s first-ever Indigenous Health Lead. She says her goals are “very simple”: “I want to create a safe and welcoming environment for Indigenous students, faculty, Elders and Knowledge Keepers and their guests.” But arriving at cultural safety might not be so simple. It means unpacking...

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Improve Alignment Between Domestic and Foreign Policy says U of T Researcher

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH Domestic policy at the expense of foreign policy is an antiquated global health view, say U of T researchers. DLSPH researchers like Associate Prof. Erica Di Ruggiero are calling on all levels of government to adopt an integrated strategy that recognizes public health...

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