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Selective Abortion of Girls Occurs — For Different Reasons — Among Indian and Chinese Diaspora: DLSPH Researchers

headshot of Professor Prabhat Jha

The rates of selective abortion of female fetuses in third pregnancies following two earlier girls is higher among Indian diaspora than within India, according to a study published by public health researchers at the University of Toronto. The study authors, health researcher Catherine Meh and Prof. Prabhat Jha from the...

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Marburg Detection Highlights Importance of Global Surveillance Cooperation

By Françoise Makanda, DLSPH While cases of the Marburg virus were discovered in Ghana and Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Prof. Shelly Bolotin is cautiously optimistic about the state of infectious disease surveillance. Marburg is a zoonotic disease which is closely related to Ebola. With a high mortality...

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“It was Exhilarating!”: U of T Students Become Lay Vaccinators

five students standing and two crouching in front, all in matching red polo shirts and black pants, all wearing masks

By Heidi Singer and Françoise Makanda When the first person walked through the door of the makeshift clinic on U of T’s St. George campus, half a dozen students in red polo shirts and purple medical gloves were sitting at long tables, waiting to make history. Akash Kothari, a Master’s...

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$3.5 Million Gift to Expand Critical Qualitative Health Research at DLSPH

head shots of the 8 researchers profiled in the article

A girl stands alone in the middle of an empty desert. A woman looks directly at the viewer, her mouth covered with band-aids. These artworks are helping public health researchers understand more about the lives of young mothers during COVID and systemic barriers that reinforce health inequities. Qualitative research like...

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Two Prestigious Awards for DLSPH’s Investigative Journalism Bureau

photo of old typewriter with investigation typed in large letters on white sheet of paper

By Elaine Smith Within two short years of its launch, the Investigative Journalism Bureau (IJB) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health has already garnered two prestigious journalism awards and received a nomination for a third. In 2021, the bureau’s inaugural year, it was named a finalist for the...

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Strengthening Healthcare Systems in Canada and Around the World

The new NorthWest International Policy Network will bolster systems of primary care and examine pressing issues in health policy, particularly around pandemics. The University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health is establishing the NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT International Policy Network at its Institute for Pandemics. Supported by a...

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Shelly Bolotin to Head Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases

By Heidi Singer Shelly Bolotin has been fascinated by infectious disease all her life – first the biology of it, and then the profound way social, economic and other human factors drive its spread. “Viruses are smarter than we are --  that blows my mind,” says DLSPH’s Associate Professor of...

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Partnering with Faith Communities to Promote Vaccines — What Works?

Across Canada, public health officials are trying new partnerships and approaches to encourage vaccine confidence. DLSPH researchers hope to learn whether these efforts help. By Heidi Singer DLSPH researchers are beginning to study how Canadian public health officials and religious leaders are collaborating to build vaccine confidence in communities and...

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Return to In-​Person Classes Announcement – Winter Term 2022

New Building Image

Dear DLSPH community, After extensive research and careful consideration of multiple academic and social factors and public health guidance, we have decided to return to in-person courses for the Winter 2022 term. Instructors will determine what in-person means for their Winter course(s) and communicate accordingly to students. For the majority...

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Update on Building Access

Dear DLSPH Community, I would like to share our plans for safely navigating DLSPH buildings during the Fall 2021 Term. As a school of public health, we must be exemplary in our own COVID safety protocols. As such, our newly revised protocols (see attached), developed in consultation with DLSPH’s occupational...

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