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Professor Alex Jadad appointed Director of the Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation

Professor Alejandro (Alex) Jadad is the permanent Director of the Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation (IGHEI) as of January 1, 2016. His primary institutional home will shift from University Health Network and the Faculty of Medicine to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. “This is an important...

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JCB Working Group Explores the Ethical Dimensions Related to Implementing Physician-​Assisted Death

On Feb. 3, 2016, the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB) released the discussion paper An Ethics-based Analysis and Recommendations for Implementing Physician-Assisted Dying in Canada by Nadia Incardona, Sally Bean, Kevin Reel and Frank Wagner. This paper is the first in a series that the JCB is...

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Public Health Alumni Association’s Annual General Meeting

On November 24, 2015, the Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Cameron Norman, PHAA Board President and Adjunct Lecturer at the School, discussed PHAA’s mentorship program that connects talented public health students with thriving alumni who are giving back to the school and making an impact...

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Five per cent of Ontario residents account for majority of health care costs

Five per cent of Ontarians account for 65 per cent of provincial health care costs attributable to individual care with the top one per cent accounting for one third of these costs overall, according to a study by Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation researchers. “Ontario spent more than...

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Professor Anita Benoit appointed Interim Associate Director of the Waakebiness-​Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health

Professor Anita Benoit is the Interim Associate Director of the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health (WBIIH) as of January 1, 2016. “I’m looking forward to furthering the Institute’s vision of contributing to thriving Indigenous communities, locally and globally,” said Benoit, who is an Assistant Professor at the Dalla Lana School...

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U of T experts offer recommendations on physician-​assisted dying

This week, two reports were published on physician-assisted dying, both of which emphasize a collaborative, equitable approach that is part of a continuum of end of life care options. On February 6, 2016, Canadian healthcare institutions must provide access to physician-assisted dying, as mandated by the Supreme Court of Canada....

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Free Resource for Health Providers to Manage HIV in Africa

By Heidi Singer Millions of people are now living with – rather than dying from -- HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa due to combination drug therapies. But the vast majority struggle to manage the many disabilities caused by this disease and its treatment. Today, University of Toronto researchers and their partners...

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Well Living House celebrates milestones, looks ahead to stronger future for Indigenous communities

By: Corinne Ton That, St. Michael’s Hospital and Nicole Bodnar, DLSPH There was singing, a Métis fiddle duo, a movie screening and an appearance by Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett - all of it in celebration of Well Living House, an action research centre for Indigenous infant, child and family...

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Professor Jeffrey Reading concludes Interim Directorship of Waakebiness-​Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health wishes Professor Jeffrey Reading well as he concludes a remarkable year of growth for the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health and finishes his term as Interim Director on November 27, 2015. “Jeff has done an outstanding job as interim director, serving as a...

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U of T honorary grad Sir Richard Peto gives global mortality lecture

We are all going to die. The question is when. This declaration kicked-off Avoidable premature death worldwide, a lecture by Sir Richard Peto to more than 100 students, faculty and staff at Hart House on November 12, 2015. Sir Richard received a University of Toronto honorary Doctor of Science at...

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