DLSPH Open: New brand invites you to Join us on the Forefront of Change in Health
January 09/2019Dear colleagues, A year and a half ago, the DLSPH embarked on the first Faculty-wide branding exercise to refine our story as a leading school of public health and health systems. Thanks to the hard work of our community, this week we’ve launched our refreshed narrative and visual identity along...
DLSPH Open: Advancement Excellence
December 06/2018Dear colleagues, Over the last few months, we’ve discussed the DLSPH’s fiscal snapshot with faculty, staff and School Council. The upshot: the School is in solid financial standing, thanks to a strong Academic Budget Review complimented by outstanding efforts led by all members of the DLSPH community. Four years ago,...
DLSPH Open: Creating a Strong Academic Plan for the DLSPH
November 06/2018Academic planning is an integral part of the University of Toronto ecosystem and I am pleased to share that this fall, the DLSPH initiated an academic planning process to complete a plan covering 2019 to 2024. The DLSPH has enjoyed tremendous growth and success since transitioning from a school to...
DLSPH Open: Addressing Anti-Black Racism
October 04/2018Dear colleagues, The DLSPH strives to create an inclusive environment for all students, staff and faculty and is working collaboratively to deeply engage with systemic issues of anti-Black racism and discrimination through consultations with faculty, student and alumni leaders. With support from Professor Arjumand Siddiqi, we have initiated conversations with...
DLSPH Open: Welcome to the 2018-19 Academic Year
September 05/2018Dear colleagues, I am delighted to welcome everyone to the 2018-19 Academic Year, and a warm welcome to the more than 485 incoming students to the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. A message to our new cohort joining us this month:...
DLSPH Open: Our leadership, milestones and refreshed narrative
August 01/2018Dear colleagues, I’d like to thank the DLSPH community for a tremendous year and I’m grateful to accept the appointment as Dean of the DLSPH. We’ve achieved a lot together and I’d like to congratulate our students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners for their hard work and achievements that move...
DLSPH Open: 2017-18 Annual Report invites you to Join Us on the Forefront of Change in Health

Dear colleagues, I am pleased to share the Dalla Lana School of Public Health’s 2017-18 Annual Report, “Join Us on the Forefront of Change in Health,” a reflection of the life of our Faculty’s over the last year and our shared impact on health and health systems. The forefront of...
DLSPH Open: Dalla Lana Family Gift Agreement
May 28/2018Dear colleagues, Earlier this year we announced that our Faculty’s founding benefactors, Paul and Alessandra Dalla Lana, committed a second $20-million gift to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, doubling down on their first investment made in 2008. With their combined support of $40-million, this is an unprecedented level...
DLSPH Open: Alumni Engagement
April 30/2018Dear colleagues, The Dalla Lana School of Public Health’s alumni community is a network of more than 5,000 public health and health system practitioners and leaders, including graduates of the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Alumni are among the School’s best...
DLSPH Open: DLSPH launches first Operational Plan
March 23/2018Dear colleagues, I am pleased to share with you the Faculty’s first Operational Plan. Click here to read the Operational Plan (2017-2020) First, a word on how we got here. One of the recommendations following the 2016-17 University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) was to develop an Operational Plan...