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Application For The WDP Program Now Available

The Work Disability Prevention (WDP) CIHR Strategic Training Program, directed by Professor Patrick Loisel MD, is a part-time three year program intended for PhD students, Post-Docs, and Young Researchers and includes four main educational activities: online courses, intensive in-class summer sessions focused on one of the following themes: methodological, sociopolitical,...

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Two DLSPH Faculty elected to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Public Health Association

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Congratulations to Professor Lori Ferris Associate Vice-​President for Research Oversight and Compliance

FROM: Professor Paul Young, Vice-President, Research and InnovationsDATE: 17 October 2012RE: Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and ComplianceI am pleased to let you know that the University has approved a new position of Associate Vice-President for Research Oversight and Compliance. I am also happy to inform you that Professor Lori Ferris,...

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President of UofT: Message on Typhoon Haiyan

November 13, 2013To members of the University of Toronto community:We have watched news of Typhoon Haiyan’s vast and devastating impact in the Philippines with growing distress and overwhelming sadness. On behalf of the entire University of Toronto community, I wish to extend our most profound sympathies to those suffering from...

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How Toronto is helping Ethiopia build its mental health care

FROM THE TORONTO STAR Read Complete StoryEthiopia has 51 psychiatrists. This is a small number, especially when you consider the 92 million people they're supposed to serve. But in 2003, there were only nine psychiatrists in the country – meaning their ranks have grown by 467 per cent in just...

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Dean’s Message: November/​December 2013

View in the November/December 2013 Newsletter

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5th Annual Research and Practice Day

Click here for more info...

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Professor Lori Ferris accepts AVP position for Research Oversight and Compliance

Professor Lori Ferris accepts AVP position for Research Oversight and Compliance Sent: October 17, 2013 12:39 PMTo: 'PDADC-L at LISTSERV. CA'Subject: Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and ComplianceMEMORANDUMTO: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and ChairsFROM: Professor Paul Young, Vice-President, Research and InnovationsDATE: 17 October 2012RE: Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Compliance I...

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Dr. Paul Demers appointed to be Chair of an Expert Panel for the Royal Society of Canada

Dr. Paul Demers appointed to be Chair of an Expert Panel for the Royal Society of Canada Abstract:At the request of Health Canada, the Royal Society of Canada has assembled this expert panel to conduct a review of Safety Code 6, which concerns the potential health risks of radiofrequency fields...

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Dean’s Message: October 2013

View in the October 2013 Newsletter

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