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DLSPH 2014-​15 Annual Report: The beauty of what we pursue

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health published it's first annual report since its re-establishment in 2008 and achieving faculty status (U of T’s first new faculty in 15 years) in July 2013. The beauty of what we pursue is the report’s distinctive subtitle thatcaptures the idea that threats to...

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Access to sport a human rights and public health issue, says U of T powerlifter

By: Sarah McDonald Public health researcher and competitive powerlifter Kinnon Ross MacKinnon says it's crucial that as the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games prepare to host thousands of athletes from 41 countries, advocates and organizations such as PrideHouse Toronto are supported in their work to ensure all athletes feel...

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Spring Convocation – Awards and Photos

Congratulations to all DLSPH graduates who celebrated convocation on June 10 and to all our award recipients.  Check out the list of winners below and click here to view convocation photos. Academic Awards Mary Jane Ashley Award, Lauren Caruana (MScH, AMH) Donald Fraser Memorial Award, Kristen Wheeler (MPH, Epi) Richard J Helmeste...

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Nine Research Grants Awarded to Protect and Enhance Health in Toronto and Beyond

The first healthier cities and communities grants were awarded to nine research teams comprised of community, public sector and university collaborators to address a range of social determinants of health to improve the health of Torontonians and beyond. “More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and...

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World No Tobacco Day: Plotting Smoking’s Endgame

Professor Robert Schwartz

Sunday, May 31 is World No Tobacco Day.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco kills nearly six million people each year, and the annual death toll could rise to more than eight million by 2030. Canada is at the vanguard of tobacco control, with Ontario taking the lead...

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The risk of becoming a high-​cost user of health care strongly linked to socio-​economic status

Individual, household and neighbourhood socio-economic status impact future high-cost users of health care according to researchers at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and Public Health Ontario (PHO). High-cost users of health care generally refer to the top five per cent of health...

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U of T students receive first place and honourable mention in global health contest

Global health students at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health received first place and honourable mention in the 2015 Untold Global Health Stories contest. The contest is run jointly by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) and Global Health NOW, an online magazine by the Johns Hopkins...

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New DLSPH student award in melanoma research to honour David Cornfield

May is Melanoma Awareness Month and melanoma, the most serious and often fatal form of skin cancer, is on the rise. In 2014, approximately 6,500 Canadians were diagnosed, and 1,050 died. David Cornfield is one Canadian who succumbed to the disease in 2005 at 32 years of age. Following his...

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Dean’s Message: May 2015 – Strategic Planning, Towards 2021 and Beyond

Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to share that our School is initiating a strategic planning exercise, Towards 2021 and Beyond, this summer to chart the course for our growing faculty. A renewed strategic plan will mobilize and energize the School. I’ve asked Professors Dan Sellen, Associate Dean of Research, and Adalsteinn Brown,...

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Meet Measles, Diphtheria and Smallpox!

Torontonians will have the opportunity to meet people (actually, actors pretending they are sick) with measles, diphtheria and other vaccine-preventable diseases at the Quarantine Tent, a novel vaccine education event at the Science Rendezvous festival. The Quarantine Tent allows visitors to meet people transported from the past with vaccine-preventable diseases....

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