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Human Relationships, Not High Tech, Sparked This Breast Cancer Breakthrough

portrait of man with white button down shirt and black jacket

Human Relationships, Not High Tech, Sparked This Breast Cancer Breakthrough By Heidi Singer Researchers from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health have discovered a new genetic mutation significantly linked to breast cancer – another important piece in the puzzle explaining why breast cancer runs in families. The discovery, published...

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New Fellowship Develops Human-​Centered Leaders in AI for Health

portrait of man with glasses and beard, jacket and button down shirt, next to woman with medium length hair and black scoop necked t shirt

Artificial intelligence promises to have a huge impact on Canadian health care --  and faculty at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health are working now to train leaders who can realize its benefits. In partnership with AMS Healthcare, DLSPH has launched The AMS-Fitzgerald Fellowship in AI...

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DLSPH Students Turn Public Health Data Into Compelling ‘Story Maps’

Six talented teams of DLSPH students recently competed in a challenge to create 'story maps' showcasing important public health information in visual form -- an increasingly key skill in knowledge translation. Teams used the provided data with other open data to carry out spatial analyses and data visualizations to...

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Two DLSPH faculty members receive Connaught funding to support emerging partnerships

By Bonnie O'Sullivan DLSPH researchers performed extraordinarily well this year in receiving awards from a University of Toronto fund that supports collaborations with community partners and nurtures early-stage researchers.   Prof. Angela Mashford-Pringle, Associate Director of the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health, and Prof. Beverley Essue, faculty member at the Institute...

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Out of the Archives: Public Health Siblings, Donald and Frieda Fraser

DLSPH Out of the Archives Banner for its 100 Anniversary Campaign

“Public Health Siblings; Donald and Frieda Fraser: Profiles From the Public Health History Archives, University of Toronto” By Christopher J. Rutty, Ph.D. Professional Medical & Public Health Historian Adjunct Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Exploring the history of public health is not just about examining,...

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Black History Month events celebrate leadership and excellence

DLSPH will host two events this February in honour of Black History Month. On February 9, a panel of Black-identifying professionals will discuss how their identities inform their work. And in mid-February, DLSPH will celebrate public health professionals who have made a great impact within the city.  Three Toronto-based leaders...

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Stars in the same constellation: DLSPH researcher on the mutual benefits of space and health innovations

By Bonnie O'Sullivan Photo: Prof. Farhan Asrar (right) with Dr. David Saint-Jacques (Canadian astronaut, family doctor, and co-author). Taken at the Canadian Space Agency Head Quarters. “I’m a doctor, not an engineer,” said Star Trek’s Dr. Leonard McCoy when asked to do something outside his comfort zone. His story may...

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PrEP for HIV Prevention Should Be Free for Canadians, Say Researchers

by Françoise Makanda Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention should be available at no cost to all Canadians who meet the clinical guidelines, say researchers at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH). “Removing cost as a barrier to access in Ontario, like in some other provinces, is a...

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Putting Primary Care at the Centre of Ontario’s Health System: DLSPH Researchers to Advise Primary Care Groups

By Heidi Singer With Canadian health care systems in crisis, a University of Toronto researcher is working to inform stakeholders on building high-performing integrated primary care systems – work that she hopes will support them to make real change in the sector. Prof. Monica Aggarwal is leading a research collaboration...

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Solidarity with Iran and the Elimination of Violence against Women

Today, we join with the global community in recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25th, which begins 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence culminating in World Human Rights Day on December 10th. Recent events underscore the importance of these commemorations — in...

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