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Race Health and Happiness: U of T Professor Launches Podcast on Race and Wellbeing

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH A new podcast that aims to help racialized people thrive and stay well hits the airways today with its host U of T Professor Onye Nnorom. “It’s not a podcast where we start explaining racism and if there is any in Canada. The...

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DLSPH’s STAGE Celebrates Anniversary and Finds New Home in Statistical and Data Science Research Hub

by: CANSSI Ontario and DLSPH DLSPH’s Strategic Training for Advanced Genetic Epidemiology (STAGE) program celebrates its eleventh anniversary this year. It officially joined the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Ontario Regional Centre, housed in an extra-departmental unit in the Faculty of Arts and Science, last November. “The partnership with CANSSI Ontario is...

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DLSPH Open: Audrey Laporte appointed IHPME Director & Student Mental Health

Dear Colleagues, Last month, I announced Professor Audrey Laporte’s appointment to Director of IHPME for a five-year term. Strong leadership for IHPME is imperative and I am thrilled to work in partnership with Audrey to expand the Institute’s global footprint. In addition to Audrey’s internationally recognized scholarship in dynamic microeconomic...

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Audrey Laporte appointed as new director of IHPME for 5-​year term

After an extensive search, Professor Adalsteinn Brown announced the official appointment Professor Audrey Laporte as the new Director of IHPME on January 24, 2020. “I look forward to working closely in partnership with Audrey as the new Director of IHPME to propel the Institute forward, and to work towards achieving...

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DLSPH welcomes Ophelia Michaelides as Manager of the Centre for Global Health

Ophelia Michaelides joined the Dalla Lana School of Public Health as Manager of the new School-wide Centre for Global Health on January 27, 2020. Ophelia is a public health professional with experience in global health, health system strengthening, family medicine and primary health care. Through her previous management positions at...

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U of T Researchers Find That Coronavirus Has Not Been Controlled as Hoped

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH The coronavirus epidemic started earlier and the disease transmission has not yet been controlled in China, a new U of T disease-transmission model suggests. “You can’t get up to that level of cases if the epidemic started in December even if you pushed...

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Novel Technique Finds Undetected Tuberculosis Super-​Spreader in Canada

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH A U of T-led research team used deep sequencing to find a previously undetected tuberculosis super-spreader in an outbreak in Nunavik, Quebec. It is the first time the technique is used in tuberculosis transmission in Canada. The researcher’s findings were published today in...

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More studies needed on use of acetaminophen prior to pregnancy, U of T researchers say

by Françoise Makanda, Communications Officer at DLSPH Using the popular painkiller acetaminophen just before pregnancy could lead to babies born smaller than usual for their gestational age or with a lower birth weight, a new study by University of Toronto researchers suggests. The researchers’ findings, published recently in the journal Pediatric Research, could...

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Major international public policy conference APPAM 2020, to be hosted at DLSPH

by Rebecca Biason, Communications and Events Coordinator at IHPME Joining co-host American University, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health is pleased to welcome the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) this summer from July 23-24. This is the first time that this renowned international policy conference will...

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IHPME launches inaugural AI in Health Certificate

by Rebecca Biason, Communications and Events Coordinator at IHPME As part of IHPME’s continuing education programming, the new AI in Health Certificate is a flagship component of an initiative to bring artificial intelligence into the health sector, which is being championed by the Institute. Developed by faculty members Emily Seto...

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