Alia Dharssi
Class of 2014
FGJ 2014, Covering Poverty and Development
M.Phil. (Development Studies)
Alia is a development studies scholar who came to the fellowship from graduate school at the University of Oxford, where she’d researched a social movement for housing rights in Mumbai’s slums. As a global correspondent, she wanted to place development issues on the public agenda. Alia spent eight months covering economic development and human rights issues for our media partners and, with Ashley Renders, spearheaded a major investigation for Reuters-affiliate into the way big oil companies manage royalty payments around the world. Alia is now a William J. Clinton Fellow at the America-India Foundation.
“The fellowship honed my ability to find great story ideas, sharpened my investigative skills and significantly improved my writing. The best part of the program was the opportunity to be mentored by talented journalism veterans. Discussing my work with my mentors over the course of eight months helped me to build solid reporting skills and transformed how I analyze important issues in my beat. I’ve learned to look at my academic expertise with the mindset of a journalist.“

Teaching Children Regardless of Grade

How the temporary foreign worker program is shaping Canada’s underground economy

Canada faces big questions about the future of immigration

How football moved the goalposts for girls in rural India

Fatal explosions, toxic spills and other commercial catastrophes in 2014

The City Effect: rapid urbanisation raises questions about how much urban government is enough

Cities are places where the powerless can shape history: the Right to the City in the 21st century

Good managers and dedicated streets: what Indian cities can learn from Bogota

LSE Urban Age: Spatial planning one of few clear solutions for climate change

Harnessing People Power

Canada’s Foreign Aid Strategy Should Prioritize Condoms

Canada Is Far from Breaking the Glass Ceiling Over Women in the Workplace

Using the Internet to Save Lives in Iran

How the World Bank Got Over the Curse of Knowledge

I Was Sniffed for Explosives by Guard Dogs at Prime Minister Harper’s Maternal and Child Health Summit

Canada’s Selective Approach to Development

Pushing for Change in the Garment Industry

US oil firm prosecutions show need for transparency – activists

Canadians Are Doing Very Cool Shit to Save the Lives of Moms and Babies Around the World

Sugar’s sticky trail: Coke and Pepsi work to clean up their supply chains

Big oil firms accused of cheating on royalties lead fight to limit US disclosure rules

Some NGOs in Nepal do more harm than good say experts

New seeds of conflict: 20 years post-genocide, there are fears than Rwandan schools ferment hate

Meet the Investigators Who Risk Their Lives to Take Incriminating Documents Out of Syria

The Solutions to Climate Change are Solutions for the 99 Percent

It takes a village to protect women’s land

It takes a few good women to fight for a secure home in Brazil’s slums

Can you save animals without sacrificing people?

Saskatchewan band becomes first of First Nations to take full control of natural resource royalties

PDAC 2014: Miners keen to buy local in bid to dampen hostility to new projects

PDAC 2014: Anti-corruption laws in focus for miners

PDAC 2014: Kinross confident it can operate through turmoil in Russia
Third World Lessons in healthcare: How ‘reverse innovation’ could revolutionize Canada’s medical landscape

Fate of U.S. agency rule on extractives hangs in the balance as two SEC regulators tilt toward industry

Charity’s cellphones help remote villagers monitor their rulers
Where Human Rights Law Meets Globalization

Credit Suisse ignored own human rights commitments -watchdog

Journalist to use stories from sex trafficking survivors to educate children

Q+A – Afghanistan lacks political will to improve women’s rights, says country’s human rights chief

‘Stunt headed nowhere’: Activists decry plan to use drones to secretly film forced labour in India

City dwellers seek to transform debate on urban poverty

Negotiation, not confrontation, is way to bring change to Arab region – expert

Society must pressure govts to stop human trafficking-expert

Maternal health must focus more on girls-Christy Turlington

Activists protest mining industry’s harmful impact on women

CSR Norms: From Principle to Practice

Canada learns from Bangladesh about ways to tackle poverty

Canada has trouble counting its poor, highlighting a global problem with data