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The Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health (CSIH) is situated in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health under the leadership and support from the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health.

Current CSIH graduate students are from a variety of graduate units across U of T, from within Ontario Institute in Studies in Education (OISE), Faculty of Arts and Science, the Faculty of Medicine, and Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

The CSIH program also collaborates with the Centre for Indigenous Studies and the Indigenous Studies Program.

NOTE: The CSIH is now closed and is not accepting new applications. Current students in the CSIH will still be enrolled until the completion of their degree. Please contact for more updates.

The main objective of the specialization is to provide training in Indigenous health research and practice for graduate students at U of T, while enhancing mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous peoples, communities and organizations.

Upon successful completion of the degree requirements in the participating home department and the requirements of the CSIH, graduate students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health” on their transcript and parchment. Graduating students will have received knowledge of Indigenous health issues, ways of knowing, and understand cultural safety.


  • Provide training in Indigenous health research and practice for graduate students at the master’s and doctoral levels;
  • Enhance the quality and breadth of multidisciplinary training by providing trainees with access to learning experiences that cut across existing academic disciplinary and administrative boundaries;
  • Offer students mentorship opportunities with the core faculty of the CSIH program who hold a diversity of theoretical, substantial and methodological perspectives;
  • Increase the visibility of Indigenous health within the U of T community;
  • Foster a network of Indigenous health within the U of T community;
  • Prepare the next generation of Indigenous health researchers, practitioners, and educators to work respectfully and effectively with Indigenous communities and organizations;
  • Work in collaboration to create an environment within U of T which values the lived experiences, ethical principles, and world views of Indigenous peoples and enhance U of T’s partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations.

Added Value

The CSIH will provide a space for students to interact, learn and champion Indigenous health issues in a way that may not be available in their home departments or faculties.  It will expose the students to a broad scope of faculty expertise in substantive content areas, geographical locations, methodological approaches, and philosophical orientations. The interactions among students, and between students and faculty, will occur through the core courses, the research seminar series, summer institutes and land-based experiences.

The opportunity for students to be placed in Indigenous communities and services agencies for practicum training and field research will prepare them for future employment, meaningful research relationships, and ability to be positive allies, while benefiting Indigenous peoples, communities and/or organizations.

Affiliated Faculties, Departments, and Core Faculty

Faculty of Arts and Science
Dr. Dan Sellen, Anthropology Email Profile
Dr. Krista Maxwell, Anthropology Email Profile
Dr. Tracey Galloway, Anthropology Email Profile
Kathi Wilson, Geography Email Profile (UTM)
Profile (Geography)
Faculty of Medicine
Anthony Hanley, Nutritional Sciences Email  Profile
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
TBD, Social Justice Education
Dr. Jennifer Sumner, Adult Education Email Profile
Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos, Applied Psychology Email Profile
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Dr. Amanda Sheppard, Epidemiology Email Profile
Dr. Suzanne Stewart, WBIIH Email Profile
Janet Smylie, Epidemiology and Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Email Profile
Angela Mashford-Pringle, WBIIH, Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Email Profile

Admission Criteria

Students must apply to, and be accepted by, a participating home degree program before applying to the CSIH. The Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health encourages diversity in academic disciplines and life experiences.  While the specialization is open to all qualified applicants, Indigenous students are particularly encouraged to apply as the long-term goal of the CSIH is to increase capacity in health research among Indigenous people.

Students must provide their motivations for applying to CSIH, outline their experience with Indigenous health and Indigenous people, and their program of study in Indigenous health.

Students who have completed the CSIH at the master’s level will be eligible to apply for admission at the doctoral level.

Admission decisions to the CSIH will be made by early October each academic year.

Please note that students registered in the MPH Indigenous Health program are not eligible to participate in the CSIH.

NOTE: As the program is currently under review, the CSIH is not accepting new applications for the 2022/2023 cycle. Please contact for more updates.

Specialization Requirements

All students enrolled in the Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health must complete the following requirements in addition to the requirements of their home degree program.  The CSIH Director and/or Specialization Committee are responsible for certifying the completion of the CSIH requirements.  The home graduate unit is solely responsible for the approval of the student’s home degree requirements.

Core Course

CHL5520H Indigenous Health is required by all participants in the CSIH

(Students who have previously taken CHL5520H Indigenous Health during their master’s program are required to take a different course, approved by the CS director, during their doctoral program)

Thesis/Dissertation, Practicum or Course-based program

Thesis/Dissertation-based degree programs: Theses or doctoral dissertations must be based on an aspect of Indigenous health and will be supervised, evaluated and approved according to the practices of the home graduate department with at least one CSIH core faculty on the thesis/dissertation committee.

Practicum-based degree programs: Students who are in a practicum-based degree will complete a practicum  focusing on an Indigenous health topic that is supervised by a core faculty member of the collaborative specialization.

Course-based degree programs: Students who are in a course-based degree (MEd in Adult Education and Community Development and the MEd in Social Justice Education (Option IV)) will complete an additional 1.0 FCE (or two 0.5 FCEs) in courses that are approved by the CSIH Director.

Common Learning Experience for Graduate Students

Doctoral and Master’s students are required to enrol in SRD4444H or SRM3333H, respectively, and attend at least 80% of the CSIH Research Seminar Series, in the session in which they enrol. The seminars will feature faculty members, invited speakers, and students presenting on topics related to Indigenous health.

Students are required to participate in a land-based experience before the completion of their degree.  Land-based experiences dates will be shared with students early in the academic year.

Workshops are provided throughout the year with details being sent via email and the CSIH Facebook page.

Apply now

All students must apply to and be accepted by a home degree program and then apply to CSIH. Students who have completed the CSIH at the Master’s level will be eligible to apply for admission at the doctoral level. Applications are due before August 15 annually.

NOTE: We are currently not accepting any new applications.


Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
155 College Street, 4th floor
Toronto, ON M5T 3M7

After Completing the Requirements

After students have complete the above requirements, it is anticipated that they will attend some of the seminar series, workshops and other events held by the CSIH cohort. Students are encouraged to stay involved in CSIH activities throughout their degree to build networks, mentor, and have new and different experiences.