Faculty Member
Thomas Wong MD, MPH, CCFP, FRCPC
- Email Address(es)
- Tom.Wong(at)phac-aspc.gc.ca
- Office Phone
- 613-941-7539
- Office Address
- Public Health Agency of Canada Rm 2391, Eglantine Driveway, PL 0602C Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Epidemiology Division
- Position
- Assistant Professor
- SGS Status
- Associate Member
- Appointment Status
- Status Only
Research Interests
- communicable disease
- TB
- Healthcare associated infections
- Aboriginal
- Homeless population
- Incarcerated population
- Ethics
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Social media
- Electronic medical records
- Implementation research
Other Affiliations
Public Health Agency of Canada
University of Ottawa
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
Honours & Awards
- CIHR Grant: A systematic review of window periods for current HIV tests (co-PI)
CIHR Grant: Impact of an Integrated Internet-based Testing Program for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections in British Columbia (co-investigator)
- CIHR Grant: Second Canadian Symposium on Heaptitis C viris (co-investigator)
CIHR Grant: Impact of Short Message Service Interventions on STI Prevention & Control: A Systematic Review (co-investigator)
- CIHR Grant: Diagnostic characteristics of self-collected specimens for sexually transmitted infections. A systematic review (co-investigator)
- CIHR Grant: CIHR Centre for Research Evidence into Action for Community Health in HIV/AIDS (co-investigator)
- NSERC Grant: Development of an Antimicrobial Resistance Diversity Index (ARDI) to guide initiatives and investment in public health, antimicrobial stewardship and infection control (co-investigator)
- CIHR Grant: Trans-disciplinary research training in public health interventions: promotion, prevention, and public policy (co-investigator)
CIHR Grant: The role of resilience in responding to bloodborne viral and sexually transmitted infections in Indigenous communities (co-investigator)
CIHR Grant: Pandemics in the age of social media (co-investigator)
CIHR Grant: Research priorities for the prevention & control of bacterial STIs (co-investigator)
Current Research Projects
CIHR Grant: Impact of an Integrated Internet-based Testing Program for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections in British Columbia
CIHR Grant: A systematic review of window periods for current HIV tests
CIHR Grant: Diagnostic characteristics of self-collected specimens for sexually transmitted infections. A systematic review.
NSERC Grant: CIHR Centre for Research Evidence into Action for Community Health in HIV/AIDS
CIHR Grant: Trans-disciplinary research training in public health interventions: promotion, prevention, and public policy.
- CHRP Grant: Development of an Antimicrobial Resistance Diversity Index (ARDI) to guide initiatives and investment in public health, antimicrobial stewardship and infection control
Representative Publications
Rank C, Gilbert M, Ogilvie G, Jayaraman GC, Marchand R, Trussler T, Hogg RS, Gustafson R, Wong T; ManCount Study Team. Acceptability of human papillomavirus vaccination and sexual experience prior to disclosure to health care providers among men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada: implications for targeted vaccination programs. Vaccine 2012 :24;30(39):5755-60.
El Emam K, Samet S, Hu J, Peyton L, Earle C, Jayaraman GC, Wong T, Kantarcioglu M, Dankar F, Essex A. A Protocol for the secure linking of registries for HPV surveillance. PLoS One 2012;7(7):e39915.
Martin I, Sawatzky P, Allen V, Hoang L, Lefebvre B, Mina N, Wong T, Gilmour M. Emergence and characterization of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with decreased susceptibilities to ceftriaxone and cefixime in Canada: 2001-2010. Sex Transm Dis 2012;39(4):316-23.
Taylor BS, Chiasson MA, Scheinmann R, Hirshfield S, Humberstone M, Remien RH, Wolitski RJ, Wong T. Results from Two Online Surveys Comparing Sexual Risk Behaviors in Hispanic, Black, and White Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS Behav. 2012 Apr;16(3):644-52
Demers AA, Kliewer EV, Remes O, Onysko J, Dinner K, Wong T, Jayaraman G. Cervical cancer among Aboriginal women in Canada. CMAJ 2012;184(7):743-4
Gilbert M, Kwag M, Mei W, Rank C, Kropp R, Severini A, van Niekerk D, Zhou C, Press N, Ogilvie G, Wong T and the ManCount Study Team. Feasibility of incorporating self-collected rectal swabs into a community venue-based survey to measure the prevalence of HPV infection in men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Dis 2011;38:964-9
Prentice T, Mill J, Archibald C, Sommerfeldt S , Worthington C, Jackson R, Wong T. Aboriginal youth experiences of accessing hiv care and treatment. J HIV/AIDS & Social Services 2011;10:395-413.
Mill J, Wong T, Archibald C, Sommerfeldt S, Worthington C, Jackson R, Prentice T, Meyers T. AIDS is Something Scary: Canadian Aboriginal youth and HIV Testing. Pimatisiwin 2011;9:277-99
Martin I, Jayaraman G, Wong T, Liu G, Gilmour M on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network. Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolated in Canada: 2000-2009. Sex Transm Dis 2011;38:892-8
Huang L, Gilbert M-L, Rossi MF, Haase D, Wright J, Sicard N, Beaudoin C, Taylor D, Gratrix J, Belzak L, Wong T and Jayaraman G. Trends in Vaccine-induced Immunity to Hepatitis B among Canadian Street-involved Youth. Journal of Urban Health: 2010, 87(2):337-348.
Dawar M, Stuart TL, Sweet LE, Neatby AM, Abbott LP, Andonov AP, Wong T, Gervais R, Stirling R. Canadian hepatitis C look-back investigation to detect transmission from an infected general surgeon. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. Spring 2010;21(1):e6-e11.
Scholten D, Saunders A, Dawson K, Wong T, Ellis E. Air travel by individuals with active tuberculosis: Reporting patterns and epidemiologic characteristics, Canada 2006-2008. Travel Med Infect Dis 2010 Mar;8(2):113-9.
Zhu L, Qin M, Du L, Xie RH, Wong T, Wen SW. Maternal and congenital syphilis in Shanghai, China, 2002 to 2006. Int J Inf Dis 2010 Sep;14 Suppl 3:e45-8.
Fang L, Ringrose A, Jayaraman GC, Wong T. Trends in age disparities between younger and middle-age adults among reported rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and infectious syphilis infections in Canada: Findings from 1997-2007. Sex Transm Dis 2010;37:18-25
Yudin MH, van Schalkwyk J, Van Eyk N, Boucher M, Castillo E, Cormier B, Gruslin A, Money DM, Murphy K, Ogilvie G, Paquet C, Steenbeek A, Wong T, Gagnon R, Hudon L, Basso M, Bos H, Delisle MF, Farine D, Grabowska K, Menticoglou S, Mundle WR, Murphy-Kaulbeck LC, Ouellet A, Pressey T, Roggensack A; Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Antibiotic therapy in preterm premature rupture of the membranes. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2009 Sep;31(9):863-7, 868-74.
Maxwell C, McGeer A, Young Tai KF, Sermer M, Farine D, Basso M, Delisle MF, Hudon L, Menticoglou S, Mundle W, Ouellet A, Yudin MH, Boucher M, Castillo E, Cormier B, Gruslin A, Money DM, Murphy K, Paquet C, Steenbeek A, Van Eyk N, van Schalkwyk J, Wong T. Management guidelines for obstetric patients and neonates born to mothers with suspected or probable severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2009 Apr;31(4):358-64, 365-72.
Ota KV, Jamieson F, Fisman DN, Jones KE, Tamari IE, Ng L-K, Towns L, Rawte P, Di Prima A, Wong T, Richardson SE. Prevalence of and risk factors for quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Ontario. CMAJ February 3 2009;180(3):287-290
Chen L, Liu F, Fan X, Gao J, Chen N, Wong T, Wu J, Wen S. Detection of hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B core antigen, and hepatitis B virus DNA in parotid tissues. Int J Infect Dis. Jan 2009;13(1):20-23.
Tinmouth J, Gilmour MW, Kovacs C, Kropp R, Mitterni L, Rachlis A, Richards S, Salit I, Sikri R, Valencia GR, Wesson T, Wong T, Wood H. Is there a reservoir of sub-clinical Lymphogranuloma venereum and non-LGV Chlamydia trachomatis infection in men who have sex with men? Int J STD/AIDS. Dec 2008;19(12):805-809.
Chen Y, Wu J, Yi Q, Huang G, Wong T. Depression associated with sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Canada. Sexually Transmitted Infections. Dec 2008;84(7):535-540.
Gruslin A, Steben M, Halperin S, Money DM, Yudin MH, Boucher M, Cormier B, Ogilvie G, Paquet C, Steenbeek A, Van Eyk N, van Schalkwyk J, Wong T. Immunization in pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008 Dec;30(12):1149-54.
Mill JE, Jackson RC, Worthington CA, Archibald CP, Wong T, Myers T, Prentice T, Sommerfeldt S. HIV Testing and Care in Canadian Aboriginal Youth: A community based mixed methods study. BMC Infectious Diseases Oct 2008;8:132.
Wong T, Singh AE, De P. Primary Syphilis: Serological Treatment Response to Doxycycline/ Tetracycline versus Benzathine Penicillin. The American Journal of Medicine. Oct 2008;121(10):903-08.
Hirshfield S, Wolitski RJ, Chiasson MA, Remien RH, Humberstone M, Wong T. Screening for depressive symptoms in an online sample of men who have sex with men. AIDS Care. September 2008;20(8):904-910.
Singh A, Wong T, Howlett RI. Commentary – Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: Why the time is right to implement immunization and surveillance programs in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. July/August 2008;(19)4:294-296.
Andersson N, Shea B, Archibald C, Wong T, Barlow K, Sioui G. Building on the Resilience of Aboriginal People in Risk Reduction Initiatives Targeting Sexually Transmitted Infections and Blood-Borne Viruses: The Aboriginal Community Resilience to AIDS (ACRA). Pimatisiwin. 2008 Summer;6(2):89-110.
Wandong Z, Wu J, Li Y, Clarke RC, Wong T. The in vitro bioassay systems for amplification and detection of abnormal prion PrPSc in blood and tissues. Transfusion Medicine Reviews. July 2008; (22)3:234-242.
Singh AE, Wong T, De P. Characteristics of primary and late latent syphilis cases which were initially non-reactive with the rapid plasma reagin as the screening test. Int J. STD/AIDS. 2008 Jul;19(7):464-8.
Money D, Steben M; Wong T, Gruslin A, Yudin M, Cohen H, Boucher M, Mackinnon C, Paquet C, van Schalkwyk J (Infectious Disease Committee). Genital herpes: gynaecological aspects. SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008 Apr;30(4):347-61.
Ofner-Agostini M, Wallington T, Henry B, Low D, McDonald LC, Berger L, Mederski B, the SARS Investigation Team and Wong T. Investigation of the second wave (Phase 2) of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Toronto, Canada. What Happened? CCDR Feb 1 2008;34(2).
Wilson RD, Johnson JA, Summers A, Wyatt P, Allen V, Gagnon A, Langlois S, Blight C, Money DM, Boucher M, Gruslin A, Mackinnon CJ, Paquet C, van Schalkwyk J, Cohen HR, Steben M, Wong T, Yudin MH, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. Principles of human teratology: drug, chemical, and infectious exposure. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007 Nov;29(11):911-26.
Kropp RY, Latham-Carmanico C, Steben M, Wong T, Duarte-Franco E. What’s new in management of sexually transmitted infections? Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006 Edition. FP Watch Suveillance médicale. Canadian Family Physician. Oct 2007;53(10):1739-1741.
Singh AE, Sutherland K, Lee B, Robinson JL, Wong T. Early congential syphilis. CMAJ Sept 25, 2007;177(7):752.
Choi BCK, Morrison H, Wong T, Wu J, Yan Y-P. Speaker’s corner. Bringing chronic disease epidemiology and infectious disease epidemiology back together. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2007;61(9):802.
Singh AE, Sutherland K, Lee B, Robinson JL, Wong T. Public Health – Resurgence of early congenital syphilis in Alberta, Canada. CMAJ. July 3, 2007;177(1):4-7.
Chiasson MA, Hirshfield S, Remien RH, Humberstone M, Wong T, Wolitski RJ. A comparison of on-line and off-line sexual risk in men who have sex with men. An event-based on-line survey. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2007 Feb 1;44(2):235-243.
MacDonald N, Wong T. Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections, 2006. CMAJ January 16, 2007;176(2):175-176.
De P, Singh A, Wong T, Kaida A. Predictors of gonorrhea reinfection in a cohort of sexually transmitted disease patients in Alberta, Canada, 1991-2003. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2007;34(1):30-36.
Lindsay L, Yudin MH, Boucher M, Cohen HR, Gruslin A, MacKinnon CJ, Money DM, Paquet C, Steben M, van Schalkwyk J, Wong T. HIV screening in pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2006 Dec;28(12):1103-12.
Wu H-X, Wu J, Wong T, Donaldson T, Dinner K, Andonov A, Chan JI, Moffat B, Baptiste B, Furseth J, Poliquin D, Bolesnikov G, Giulivi A, Paton S. Enhanced surveillance of newly acquired hepatitis C virus infection in Canada, 1998 to 2004. Scandinavian J Infectious Diseases 2006 July;38(6-7):482-489.
Kropp RY, Wong T, Cormier L, Ringrose A, Burton S, Embree JE, Steben M. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections in Canada: results of a 3 year national prospective study. Pediatrics June 2006;117(6):1955-1962.
Wu H-X, Wu J, Wong T, Andonov A, Li Q, Dinner K, Donaldson T, Paton S, Enhanced Hepatitis Strain Surveillance System. Incidence and risk factors for newly acquired hepatitis C virus infection among Aboriginal versus non-Aboriginal Canadians in six regions, 1999-2004. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. Mar 2006;26(3):167-174.
Wong T, Lee SS. Hepatitis C: a Review for Primary Care Physicians. CMAJ Feb 2006;174(5):649-659.
Jayaraman GC, Singh AE, Yiannakoulias N, Gratrix J, Anderson B, Johnson M, Svenson L, Kress B, Tyrrel GJ, Wong T. Sub-regional variations in the epidemiology of Neisseria gonorrhea in a large urban region in Alberta, Canada: results from spatial analyses using routinely collected surveillance data. CCDR Feb 15, 2006;32(04).
Rekart ML, Wong T, Wong E, Hutchinson K, Ogilvie G. The Impact of Syphilis Mass Treatment One Year Later: Self-Reported Behaviour Change Among Participants. Int J STD AIDS 2005;16(8):571-578.
Kropp RY, Wong T. on behalf of the Canadian LGV Working Group. Emergence of lymphogranuloma venereum in Canada . CMAJ 2005; 172(13):1674-1676.
Wong T, Wallington T, McDonald LC, Abbas Z, Christian M, Low DE, Gravel D, Ofner M, Mederski B, Berger L, Hansen L, Harrison C, King A, Yaffe B, Tam T. Late Recognition of SARS in a Nosocomial Outbreak, Toronto, Canada. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005; 11(2): 322-325.
Singh AE, Romanowski B, Wong T, Gourishankar S, Myziuk L, Fenton J, Preiksaitis JK. Herpes Simplex Virus Seroprevalence and Risk Factors in Two Canadian STD Clinics. Sex Transm Dis 2005; 32:95-100.
Hansen L,Barnett J, Wong T, Spencer D, Rekart M. STD and HIV Counselling Practices of BC General Practitioners and Family Physicians. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2005; 19:40-48.
Dinner K, Donaldson T, Potts J, Sirna J, Wong T. Hepatitis C: a public health perspective and related implications for physicians. Royal College Outlook Fall 2005;2(3):20-22.
Mann J, Kropp R, Wong T, Venne S, Romanowski B. Gonorrhea treatment guidelines in Canada: 2004 update, CMAJ 2004; 171(11): 1345-1346.
Barnett J, Spencer D, Rekart M, Beer T, Hansen L, Wong T, Mann J. Evaluating Primary Care Practitioner STD/HIV Counselling Practices. BC Med J 2004; 46:402-406.
Wong T, Singh A, Mann J, Hansen L, McMahon S. Gender Differences in Bacterial STI’s in Canada. BMC Women’s Health 2004; 4(Suppl 1): S26.
Hansen L, Mann J, McMahon S, Wong T. Sexual Health. BMC Woman’s Health 2004; 4(Suppl 1): S24.
McMahon S, Hansen L, Mann J, Sevigny C, Wong T, Roache M. Contraception. BMC Women’s Health 2004; 4(Suppl 1) S25.
De P, Singh AE, Wong T, Yacoub W, Jolly AM Sexual network analysis of a gonorrhea outbreak. Sex Transm Infect 2004; 80:280-285.
Loutfy Mr, Wallington T, Rutledge T, Mederski B, Rose K, Kwolke S, McRitchie D, Ali A, Wolff B, While D, Glassman E, Ofner M, Low DE, Berger L, McGeer A, Wong T, Baron D, Berall G. Hospital Preparedness and SARS. Emerg Infect Dis 2004; 10(5):771-776.
Skowronski D, King A, Tam T, Wong T, Brammer L, Teates K, Harper S, Klimov A, Bhat N. Update: Influenza Activity — U.S., (2003–04) Season. MMWR 2004; 53(13): 284-287.
Shields SA, Wong T, Mann J, Jolly AM, Haase D, Mahaffey S, Moses S, Morin M, Patrick DM, Predy G, Rossi M, Sutherland D. Prevalence and correlates of Chlamydia infection in Canadian street youth – May 2004. J Adolesc Health 2004; 34:384-390.
Weir E, Wong T, Gemmill I. Avian influenza outbreak: update. CMAJ 2004; 170(5): 785-86.
Christian MD, Loufty M, McDonald LC, Martinez KF, Ofner M, Wong T, Wallington T, Gold WL, Mederski B, Green K, Low DE. Possible SARS Coronavirus Transmission during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Toronto, Ontario. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004; 10(2):287-93.
Hansen L, Wong T, Perrin M. Gonorrhea Resurgence in Canada. Int J STD & AIDS 2003; 14(11):727-731.
Wallington T, Berger L, Henry B, Shahin R, Yaffe B, Mederski B, Berall G, Christian M, McGeer A, Low D, Wong T, Tam T, Ofner M, Hansen L, Gravel D, King A, CDC SARS Investigation Team. Update: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Toronto. CCDR. 2003; 29:113-117.
Singh A, De P, Wong T, Yacoub W. Outbreak of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in northern Alberta, Canada. Sex Transm Dis 2003; 30:497-501.
Sarwal S, Wong T, Ng LK, Sevigny C. Increasing Incidence of Ciprofloxacin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Canada. CMAJ 2003; 168:872-873.
Wong T, Garvey G. A 57-year-old non-smoker with fever cough and pulmonary nodules. IJID 2002; 6:139-143.
Wong T, Sutherland D. Canadian STI national goals and phase-specific strategies. Sex Transmitted Infections 2002; 8:i189-190.
Patrick D, Rekart M, Jolly A, Mak S, Tyndall M, Maginley J, Wong E, Wong T, Jones H, Montgomery C, Brunham R. Heterosexual Outbreak of Infectious Syphilis: Epidemiologic and Ethnographic Analysis and Implications for Control Sex Transmitted Infections 2002; 78:i164-i169.
Henrickson SE, Wong T, Allen P, Ford T, Epstein PR. Marine Swimming-Related Illness: Implications for Monitoring and Environmental Policy. Environ Health Perspectives 2001; 109:645-650.
Boucher M, Cohen HR, Gruslin A, Money D, Steben M, Wong T. SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Mode of Delivery for Pregnant Women infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. J Soc Ob Gyn Can 2001; 23:348-354.
Wong T, Jordan R. Syphilis Elimination in Canada: If not now, when? Can J Human Sexuality 2000; 9:205-209.
Patrick D, Wong T, Jordan R. Sexually Transmitted Infections in Canada: Recent resurgence threatens national goals. Can J Human Sexuality 2000; 9:149-166.
Boucher M, Gruslin A, Delage G, Money D, McClemont T, Steben M, Willems B, Wong T, Zinman L. SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Reproductive Care of Women Living with Hepatitis C Infection.J Soc Ob Gyn Can 2000; 22:3-27.
Wong T, Chiasson MA, Reggy A, Simonds RJ, Heffess J, Loo V. Antiretroviral Therapy and Declining AIDS Mortality in New York City. J Urban Health 2000; 77: 492-500.
Rekart M, Patrick D, Jolly A, Wong T, Morshed M, Jones H, Montgomery C, Knowles L, Chakraborty N, Maginley J. Mass treatment/prophylaxis during an outbreak of infectious syphilis in Vancouver, British Columbia. CCDR 2000; 26:101-105.