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Faculty Member

Janet Raboud PhD, Biostatistics

Email Address(es)
Office Phone
(416) 340-4137
Office Address
Toronto General Hospital Room 13EN226, 200 Elizabeth St Toronto, ON M5G 2C4
Biostatistics Division
Adjunct Professor
SGS Status
Associate Member
Currently Accepting Doctoral Students?

Research Interests

  • non-randomly missing data in longitudinal studies
  • methodologic issues in the design of HIV clinical trials
  • methodologic issues in the analysis of observational data
  • predictors of comorbidities in HIV positive individuals

Education & Training History

1991, PhD, University of Toronto

1987, MSc, University of Washington

1985, BMath, University of Waterloo

Primary Teaching Responsibilities

Co-supervision of Jennifer Gillis, PhD student, epidemiology

Committee member, Julia Calabria-Yaworski, MSc student, IHPME

Committee member, Samantha Young, PhD student, IHPME

Professional Summary & Appointments

Emerita Scientist, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute

Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences

Honours & Awards

  • Ontario HIV Treatment Network Career Scientist Award 2005-2017

Current Research Projects

Collaborator, Health system evaluation of the gap in treatment for the delivery of opioid agonist treatments among individuals with opioid use disorder in Ontario, PI: Dr. Pam Leece

Consultant, CHANGE HIV: Correlates of Healthy Aging in Geriatric HIV, PI: Dr. Sharon Walmsley

Co-investigator, HPV-SAVE Study: HPV Screening and Vaccine Evaluation in men who have sex with men, PI: Dr. Irv Salit

Representative Publications

Career total 256.

McClymont E, Lee M, Raboud J, Coutlee F, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Harris M, Cohen J, Yudin MH, Wobeser W, Money D. The efficacy of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Girls and Women Living with HIV.  Clin Infect Dis 2019; 68(5): 788-794.

Tan HSD, Schubb A, Lawless J, Szadkowski L, Grennan T, Wilton J, Fowler S, Hart TA, Maxwell J, Raboud JM. Acceptability and tolerability of and adherence to HIV preexposure prophylaxis among Toronto gay and bisexual men: a pilot study. CMAJ Open. 2018; 6(4): E611-7.

Younger J, Raboud JM, Szadkowski L, Harrigan R, Walmsley S, Bayoumi AM, Klein MB, Cooper C, Burchell AN, Loutfy M, Hull M, Wong A, Thomas R, Hogg R, Montaner J, Tsoukas C, Antoniou T. Tenofovir and emtricitabine resistance among antiretroviral-naïve patients in the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration: implications for PrEP.  Antivir Ther 2019; 24(3):211-220.

Kendall CE, Raboud JM, Donelle J, Loutfy M, Rourke SB, Kroch A, Liddy C, Rosenes R, Burchell AN. Lost but not forgotten: A population-based study of mortality and care trajectories among people living with HIV who are lost to follow up in Ontario, Canada.  HIV Med 2019; 20(2): 88-98.

Szadkowsky L, Walmsley S, Burchell AN, Collins E, Rourke S, Raboud JM. High retention in HIV care at a tertiary care centre in Toronto, Canada.  AIDS Care. 2018 Feb; 30(2): 246-254.

Blitz S, Antoniou T, Burchell A, Walmsley S, Light L, Gardner S, Rourke S, Cooper C, Kendall C, Loutfy M, Rachlis A, Wobeser W, Benoit A, Raboud JM. The use of multistate models to examine associations of stress and adherence with transitions among HIV care states observed in a clinical HIV cohort. 2017 Nov 1; 76(3):303-310.