Faculty Member
David L. Mowat MBChB, MPH, FRCPC
- Email Address(es)
- davidlmowat(at)gmail.com
- Curriculum Vitae
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- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Clinical Public Health Division
- Position
- Adjunct Professor
Research Interests
- Knowledge translation/ evidence-informed decision making
- Public health workforce development
- Population health interventions/ policy for public health
- Chronic disease prevention
Education & Training History
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Public Health and Preventive Medicine), 1983
Master of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, 1980
MBChB, University of Edinburgh, 1972
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
Postgraduate training program in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
Occasional lectures in Medicine MPH Program.
Professional Summary & Appointments
Currently consulting, part-time, in public health. Previously Medical Officer of Health for Peel Region; Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada; senior appointments in PHAC and Health Canada; Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario, Medical Officer of Health for Kingston.
Honours & Awards
Ontario Public Health Association, Honorary Membership, 2015
Association of Local Public Health Agencies of Ontario, Distinguished Service Award, 2015
Canadian Public Health Association: DeFries Award (highest award of CPHA) and honorary life membership, 2014
Canadian Public Health Association: Public Health Human Resources Award, 2008
Fellow, by Distinction, Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Medicine, UK 2007
Representative Publications
Chapters in Books
Mowat D, Chambers C. Producing more relevant evidence. In: O’Campo P, Dunn J et al: Rethinking Social Epidemiology. Springer, 2011.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Rosella L, Bornbaum C, Kornos K, Lebenbaum M, Peirson L, Fransoo R, Loeppky C, Gardner C, Mowat D. Evaluating the process and outcomes of a knowledge translation approach to supporting the use of the Diabetes Population Risk Tool (DPoRT) in public health practice. Can J Prog Evaluation 2018; 33: 21-48
Raine KD, Athey K, Olstad DL, Ferdinands AR, Beaulieu D, Baker S, Campbell N, Cook B, L’Abbe M, Lederer A, Mowat D, Maharaj J, Nykiforuk C et al. Healthy food procurement and nutrition standards in public facilities: evidence synthesis and consensus policy recommendations. H Promo Chr Dis Prev Can. 2018; 38: 6-17
Politis CE, Mowat DL, Keen D. Pathways to policy: lessons learned in multi-sectoral collaboration for physical activity and built environment policy development from the Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) Initiative. Can J Public Health 2017; 108: e1-7
Liu J, Chadder J, Fung S, Lockwood G, Rahal R, Halligan M, Mowat D, Bryant H. Smoking behaviours of current cancer patients in Canada. Current Oncology 2016; 23: 201-203
Mowat D. Healthy Canada by Design. Translating Science into Action and Prevention. Can J Public Health 2014; 106 Suppl. 1: 3-4
Moloughney B, Bursey G, Neuman J, Leeming D, Gutmann C, Sivanand B, Mowat D. Incorporating consideration of health impacts into land use development approval processes: the development of a health background study framework. Can J Public Health 2014; 106, Suppl. 1: 33-39
Weyman JT, Dunn JR, Gutman C, Sivanand B, Bursey G, Mowat DL. Planning health-promoting development: creation and assessment of an evidence-based index in the Region of Peel, Canada. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2013; 40: 707-722
Ramuscak N, Jiang D, Dooling K, Mowat D. A population level analysis of birth weight indices in Peel Region, Ontario. The effects of ethnic diversity. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2012; 103: 368-372
Stratton J, Mowat D, Wilkins R, Tjepkema M. Income disparities in life expectancy in the City of Toronto and Region of Peel. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2012; 32: 208-215
Ward M, Mowat D. Creating an organizational culture for evidence-informed decision making. Healthcare Management Forum 2012; 25:146-150.
Peirson L, Ciliska D, Dobbins M, Mowat D. Building capacity for evidence-based decision making in public health, A case study of organizational change. BMC Public Health, 2012; 12: 137
Underwood JM, Mowat DL, Meagher-Stewart DM, et al. Building Community and Public Health Nursing Capacity: A Synthesis Report of the National Community Health Nursing Study. Canadian J Public Health2009, 100(5), Special Insert: I1-I11
Hau M, Tyler IV, Buxton JA, Elliott LJ, Harvey BJ, Hockin JC, Mowat DL. Assessing Canadian medical students’ familiarity with and interest in pursuing a career in community medicine. Canadian J Public Health 2009, 100: 194-198
Tyler I, Hau M, Buxton J, Elliott L, Harvey B, Hockin J, Mowat D, Canadian Medical Students’ Perceptions of Public Health Education in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum. Acad. Med 2009; 84: 1307-1312
Frank J, DiRuggiero E. Mowat D, Medlar B. Developing knowledge translation capacity in public health: The role of the National Collaborating Centres. Can J Public Health 2007; 98:11-16
Mowat D, Butler-Jones D. Public health in Canada: A difficult history. Healthcare Papers 2007; 6: 31-36.
Medlar B, Mowat D, DiRuggiero E, Frank J. Introducing the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health. Can Med Assoc J, 2006; 175: 493-494.
O’Connor K, Mowat D, Scott HM, Carr P, Dorland JL, Young‑Tai K‑F. A randomised trial of two public health nurse follow-up programs after early obstetrical discharge. An examination of breastfeeding rates, maternal confidence and utilization and costs of health services. Can J Public Health 2003; 94:98‑103.
Mowat D, Hockin J. Building capacity in evidence‑based public health practice. Can J. Public Health 2002; 93:19.
Mowat D. Health Surveillance in Canada. Chronic Diseases in Canada 1998; 19: 143‑144
Mowat D, Wang F, Pickett W. A case‑control study of risk factors for playground injuries. Injury Prevention 1998; 4: 39‑43
Mowat D, Mecredy D, Lee F, Hajela R, Wilson R. Family physicians and smoking cessation: A survey of practices, opinions and barriers. Can Fam Phys 1996; 42: 1946‑1952