social organization of work and health (e.g.,public sector restructuring)
longitudinal data analysis
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
CHL 5101 – Social Theory and Health
CHL 5102 – Social and Political Forces in Health Care
Honours & Awards
2012 Anthony Miller Award for Excellence in Research in Public Health Sciences, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
2008 Finalist for World Society Foundation’s 2008 Award Program for Research Papers on World Society
2007 Nominee for the SAGE Prize for Innovation and/or Excellence, British Sociology Association and Sage Publications
2003 R. F. Badgley Teaching Award, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto
Current Research Projects
2013-16 “The Impact of Extending Paid Work Later in Life on Health and Well-being: Using the Past to Guide the Future” (1,220,633 GBP), Co-I in Collaboration with Karen Glaser (PI) et al. UK Economic Social and Research Council/Medical Research Council.
2012-16 “Economic Inequalities among Women in Later Life: The Role of Structured Life Course Processes in Comparative Context” ($338,764), PI in collaboration with Amanda Sacker, Anne McMunn, and Laurie Corna. SSHRC, Insight Grant.
2012-15 “Work and Health in Later Life: Pathways and Social Patterning in Comparative Context” ($259,017), Nominated PI in collaboration with Amanda Sacker (Co-PI), Anne McMunn, and Laurie Corna. CIHR, Operating Grant.
Representative Publications
Worts, Diana, Amanda Sacker, Anne McMunn, and Peggy McDonough. 2013. “Individualization, Opportunity and Risk in American Women’s Work and Family Lives: A Multi-state Sequence Analysis.” Advances in Life Course Research 18:296-318.
McDonough, Peggy, Diana Worts, Anne McMunn, and Amanda Sacker. 2013. “Social Change and Women’s Health.” International Journal of Health Services 43(3):499-518.
McDonough, Peggy and Jessica Polzer. 2012. “Mission Impossible: Habitus and Organizational Change in the Public Sector.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 37(4):357-79.
Brennenstuhl, Sarah, Amelie Quesnel-Vallee, and Peggy McDonough. 2012. “Welfare Regimes, Population Health and Health Inequalities: A Research Synthesis.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 66:397-409.
Worts, Diana, Amanda Sacker, and Peggy McDonough. 2010. “Still Wanting: A Reassessment of Poverty Dynamics and Welfare State Protections in the U.S. and Britain.” American Journal of Sociology 116(1):232-71.
McDonough, Peggy, Diana Worts, and Amanda Sacker. 2010. “Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Dynamics: A Comparison of the United States and Britain.” Social Science & Medicine 70:251-60.
McDonough, Peggy, Diana Worts, Bonnie Fox, and Klaudia Dmitrienko. 2008. “Restructuring Municipal Government: Labour-Management Relations and Worker Mental Health.” Canadian Review of Sociology 45:197-219.
McDonough, Peggy. 2006. “Habitus and the Practice of Public Service.” Work, Employment and Society 20:629-47.
Worts, Diana, Bonnie Fox, and Peggy McDonough. 2006. “Doing Something Meaningful: Gender and Public Service During Municipal Government Restructuring.” Gender, Work and Organization 14(2):162-84.