Faculty Member
Paul Krueger B.Sc., M.H.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Email Address(es)
- paul.krueger(at)utoronto.ca
- Office Phone
- 416-978-7969
- Office Address
- Department of Family and Community Medicine 500 University Ave, 5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7
- Website(s)
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Epidemiology Division
- Position
- Associate Professor
- SGS Status
- Full Member
- Appointment Status
- Non budgtry Crss
Research Interests
Health Services Research, Primary Health Care Research, Public Health Research, Aging Research, Maternal and Child Health Research, Long-Term Care Research, Palliative Care Research, Survey Methods, Questionnaire Design, Observational and Analytical Research Methods, Data Analysis, Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research.
Education & Training History
Ph.D., Epidemiology (minors in biostatistics and community health programs) from the University of Toronto
M.Sc., Health Studies (minor in biostatistics) from the University of Waterloo
M.H.Sc., Community Health and Epidemiology from the University of Toronto
B.Sc., Honours Biology (microbiology) from the University of Waterloo
Primary Teaching Responsibilities
Applied Survey Methods for Health Care Professionals
Research Issues in Family Medicine and Primary Care
Honours & Awards
2020 Research Mentorship Award
2020 Continuing Education and Graduate Studies Instructor Award 2019-2020
2019 Certificate of Appreciation, “In recognition of valuable contributions to the Clinician Scholar Enhanced Skills Program”
2018 Award of Excellence: “Outstanding Contribution to Family Medicine Research”
2013 Award for “Excellence in Research in Professional Development”
2013 Recognition of Excellence, Section of Researchers, Family Medicine Forum (FMF) Research Day Poster
2012 Award for “Excellence in Research in Professional Development”
1997 Certificate of Appreciation, “In recognition of valued support and commitment to Task Force Initiatives”, The Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Task Force of Hamilton-Wentworth
1991 Awarded the “Hastings Memorial Fellowship”
Current Research Projects
Representative Publications
Krueger P, White D, Meaney C, Kwong J, Antao Viola, Kim F. Predictors of job satisfaction among academic family medicine faculty: findings from a Canadian faculty work life and leadership survey. Canadian Family Physician. Canadian Family Physician 2017;63:e177-85.
Stubbs B, Krueger P, White D, Meaney C, Kwong J, Antao V. Mentorship perceptions and experiences among academic family medicine faculty: findings from a quantitative comprehensive work life and leadership survey. Canadian Family Physician. 2016;62(9):e531-e539.
White D, Krueger P, Meaney C, Antao Viola, Kim F, Kwong J. Identifying potential academic leaders: predictors of willingness to undertake leadership roles in an academic department of family medicine. Canadian Family Physician. 2016;62:e102-9.
Myers J, Krueger P, Webster F, Downar J, Herx L, Jeney C, Oneschcuk D, Schroder C, Sirianni G, Seccareccia D, Tucker T, Taniguchi A. Development and validation of a set of palliative medicine entrustable professional activities (EPAs): findings from a mixed methods study. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2015;18(8):682-90.
Webster F, Krueger P, MacDonald H, Archibald D, Telner D, Bytautas J, Whitehead C. A scoping review of medical education research in family medicine. BMC Medical Education. 2015;15:79
Antao V, Beber S, Telner D, Meaney C, Peranson J, Meuser J, Krueger P. Are non-physician health care providers prepared and supported to teach in family medicine? Family Medicine. 2015;47(3)187-93.
Grunfeld E, Manca D, Moineddin R, Thorpe K, Hoch J, Campbell-Scherer D, Meaney C, Rogers J, Beca J, Krueger P, Mamdani M. Improving chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care: results of the BETTER pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Family Practice. 2013;14:175.
Krueger P, St. Amant O, Loeb M. Predictors of pneumococcal vaccine immunization status among older adults with community acquired pneumonia. BMC Geriatrics, 2010, 10:44.
Loeb M, Carusone S, Goeree R, Walter S, Brazil B, Krueger P, Simor A, Moss L, Marrie T. Effect of a clinical pathway to reduce hospitalizations in nursing home residents with pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2006;295:2503-2510.
Sword W, Watt S, Krueger P. Postpartum health, service needs and access to care: the experiences of immigrant women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 2006;35(6):717-27.
Brazil K, Howell D, Bedard M, Krueger P, Heidebrecht C. Preferences for place of care and place of death among informal caregivers of the terminally ill. Palliative Medicine, 2005:(19):492-499.
Krueger P, Loeb M, Kelly C, Edward G. Assessing, treating and preventing community acquired pneumonia in older adults: findings from a survey of emergency room and family physicians. BMC Family Practice 2005, 6:32.
Krueger P, Brazil K, Lohfeld L, Edward G, Lewis D, Tjam E. Organization specific predictors of job satisfaction: Findings from a Canadian multi-site quality of work life cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research 2002;2(1):6.
Krueger P, Brazil K, Lohfeld L. Risk factors for falls and injuries in a long-term care facility in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2001;92(2)117-120.
Elliott S, Cole D, Krueger P, Voorberg N, Wakefield S. The power of perception: Health risk attributed to air pollution in an urban industrial neighbourhood. Risk Assessment 1999;19(4):621-634.
Krueger P and Patterson C. Detecting and managing elder abuse: Challenges in primary care. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1997;157:1095-1100.