Faculty Member
Christine M. Wickens
- Email Address(es)
- Christine.Wickens(at)camh.ca
- Office Phone
- 416-535-8501 ext. 34711
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Clinical Public Health Division
- Position
- Associate Professor
- SGS Status
- Associate Member
- Appointment Status
- Status Only
Research Interests
Social and behavioural determinants of motor vehicle collision risk
Alcohol and drug-impaired driving
Driver anger and aggression
Mental health and driver behaviour
Student stress and well-being
Traumatic brain injury
Education & Training History
HBSc – University of Toronto – Psychology/Sociology – 2000
MA – York University – Social and Personality Psychology – 2003
PhD – York University – Social and Personality Psychology – 2009
Post-Doctoral Training – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Social and Epidemiological Research; Public Health – 2012
Current Research Projects
Acute and residual effects of alcohol and cannabis on young drivers’ performance of driving-related skills
Outcome evaluation of remedial measures program for convicted impaired drivers
Impact of mental health issues on driver behaviour using population survey data
Mild traumatic brain injury in the workplace
Representative Publications
Driver Stress, Anger, and Aggression
Wickens, C. M., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2005). State driver stress as a function of occupational stress, traffic congestion, and trait stress susceptibility. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 10, 83-97.
Wickens, C. M., Toplak, M. E., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2008). Cognitive failures as predictors of driving errors, lapses, and violations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40, 1223-1233.
Wickens, C. M., Wiesenthal, D. L., Flora, D. B., & Flett, G. L. (2011). Understanding driver anger and aggression: Attributional theory in the driving environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17(4), 354-370.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Stoduto, G., Butters, J. E., Ialomiteanu, A., & Smart, R. G. (2012). Does gender moderate the relationship between driver aggression and its risk factors? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 10-18.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2013). Addressing driver aggression: Contributions from psychological science. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(5), 386-391.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Roseborough, J. E. W., Wiesenthal, D. L., & Smart, R. G. (2014). The straight ‘A’s of road rage: Attribution, anger, and aggressive behaviour. In M. G. Penrod & S. N. Paulk (Eds.), Psychology of anger: New research (pp. 49-69). New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
Alcohol- and Drug-Impaired Driving
Mann, R. E., Stoduto, G., Ialomiteanu, A., Asbridge, M. Smart, R. G., & Wickens, C. M. (2010). Self-reported collision risk associated with cannabis use and driving after cannabis use among Ontario adults. Traffic Injury Prevention, 11, 115-122.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Stoduto, G., Flam Zalcman, R., & Butters, J. (2013). Alcohol control measures in traffic. In P. Boyle, P. Boffetta, W. Zatonski, A. Lowenfels, O. Brawley, H. Burns, & J. Rehm (Eds.), Alcohol: Science, policy and public health (pp. 378-388). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Brands, B., Ialomiteanu, A., Fischer, B., Watson, T. M., Matheson, J., Stoduto, G., & Rehm, J. (2018). Driving under the influence of opioids: Self-reported prevalence and association with collision risk in a large Canadian jurisdiction. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 121, 14-19.
Wickens, C. M., Watson, T. M., Mann, R. E., & Brands, B. (2019). Exploring perceptions among people who drive after cannabis use: Collision risk, comparative optimism, and normative influence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38, 443-451.
Outcome Evaluations of Remedial Programming for Impaired Drivers
Wickens, C. M., Flam-Zalcman, R., Mann, R. E., Stoduto, G., Nochajski, T., Koski-Jännes, A., Herie, M., Watkin-Merek, L., Rush, B., Thomas, R. K., LaFontaine, S., Watson, T. M., Matheson, J., Ilie, G., Mehra, K., Le, T. L., & Rehm, J. (2018). Evaluating moderators of beneficial effects of severity-based assignment to substance use treatments in impaired drivers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 93, 49-56.
Wickens, C. M., Flam-Zalcman, R., Stoduto, G., Docherty, C., Watson, T. M., van der Maas, M., Brands, B., Ilie, G., Matheson, J., Mann, R. E., & Thomas, R. K. (2018). The impact of remedial program participation on convicted drinking drivers’ alcohol and other drug use six months following program completion. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16, 598–616.
Wickens, C. M., Flam-Zalcman, R., Stoduto, G., Docherty, C., Thomas, R. K., Watson, T. M., Matheson, J., Mehra, K., & Mann, R. E. (2018). Multiple “low BAC” offenders: Characteristics and response to remedial interventions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 115, 110-117.
Street Racing
Wickens, C. M., Smart, R. G., Vingilis, E., Ialomiteanu, A., Stoduto, G., & Mann, R. E. (2017). Street racing among the Ontario adult population: Prevalence and impact on collision risk. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 103, 85-91.
Mental Health Issues and Roadway Safety
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Stoduto, G., Ialomiteanu, A., Smart, R. G., & Rehm, J. (2013). The impact of probable anxiety and mood disorder on self-reported collisions: A population study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 145, 253-255.
Wickens, C. M., Smart, R. G., & Mann, R. E. (2014). The impact of depression on driver performance. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12, 524-537.
Wickens, C. M., Mann, R. E., Ialomiteanu, A. R., Vingilis, E., Seeley, J., Erickson, P., & Kolla, N. J. (2019). The association of childhood symptoms of conduct disorder and collision risk in adulthood. Journal of Transport & Health, 13, 33-40.
Student Stress and Well-Being During a University Work Stoppage
Wickens, C. M., Fiksenbaum, L. M., Greenglass, E. R., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2006). Student stress and coping following a university strike in Canada. Journal of Collective Negotiations, 31, 1-19.
Wickens, C. M. (2008). The organizational impact of university labor unions. Higher Education, 56, 545-564.
Wickens, C. M., Labrish, C., Masoumi, A., Fiksenbaum, L. M., & Greenglass, E. R. (2019). Effects of and remediation strategies for students affected by a university work stoppage: Comparing two institutions of higher learning. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17, 425-444.