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Webinar: The employment quality of persons with disabilities: findings from a national survey

April 12/2022 — 11:00am to 12:00pm

The employment quality of persons with disabilities: findings from a national survey Dr. Faraz Vahid Shahidi Institute for Work & Health Tuesday, April 12, 2022 (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) Online: Persons with disabilities face persisting inequities in the labour market arising from stigma, discrimination, and other structural barriers...

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Physical Health Following Exposure to American Indian Boarding Schools: Personal and Intergenerational Impacts

April 08/2022 — 2:00 to 4:00pm

Talk Abstract: The U.S. American Indian boarding school era of the 1870s to the 1930s resulted in generations of children being removed from their families and communities with devastating impacts on American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) people. I use data from the Honor Project, a health survey of urban,...

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Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop #3 – Relationship and Partnership

March 23/2022 — 1:00 to 3:00pm

This is a monthly workshop series from the U of T Indigenous Research Network, led by Dene scholar Dr. Suzanne Stewart, on specific topics of Indigenous research ethics with added time for individual academic support in ethical and methodological matters. Email to register or register yourself via Eventbrite

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Beyond the Buzzwords: Understanding Islamophobia

March 24/2022 — 10:00am to 12:00pm

This workshop is run in collaboration between the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) and the Multi-Faith Centre, and will explore knowledge and skills to better support the needs of Muslim students and colleagues on campus. Facilitator: Gilary Massa Note: You must use your University (utoronto) email address to register....

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Embedding Intersectionality, Anti-​Racism and Decolonial Approaches in Educational Systems

March 18/2022 — 10:00am to 1:00pm

The dynamics of power which formulate the roots of higher education impact racialized and Indigenous staff, students, and faculty in distinctive ways. Often considered at odds with one another, this session explores the synergies and connections between anti-racism, intersectionality, decolonial frameworks and approaches to EDI and anti-Indigenous action planning and...

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Islamophobia and the 9/​11 Generation: Lessons for Higher Education

March 04/2022 — 1:00 to 2:30pm

This session is run in collaboration between the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) and the Multi-Faith Centre, and will examine how Canadian Muslim youth navigate Islamophobia in a Post-9/11 world. Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, we will consider how the global war on terror and heightened anti-Muslim racism...

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Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop #2 – Respect and Reciprocity

March 09/2022 — 12:00 to 2:00pm

A monthly workshop series from U of T Indigenous Research Network on specific topics of Indigenous research ethics with added time for individual academic support in ethical or methodological matters.

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A Lecture by Dr. Lorraine T. Dean on the (Responsible) Use of Race in Social Epidemiology

March 08/2022 — 12:00 to 1:00pm

The Doctoral Epidemiology Training Association (DELTA) would like to invite you to a guest lecture on March 8th (12-1pm) via Zoom. The (Responsible) Use of Race Data in Social Epidemiology Dr. Lorraine T. Dean, ScD RSVP link: Dr. Dean is an Associate Professor in Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg...

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Politics of Doctoral Education for Black, Indigenous, and Other Racialized Students

April 01/2022 — 1:00 to 4:00pm

This workshop is for 1st and 2nd year PhD students who are Black, Indigenous or Racialized and who are conducting critical qualitative research in the health sciences at the University of Toronto. The focus of this workshop is for students to learn about and build on the support systems in...

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Addressing Anti-​Black Racism at the Intersections: Stories, Advocacy and Actions

February 24/2022 — 10:00am to 12:30pm

Join the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) to explore stories, strategies and resources to address anti-Black racism as it intersects with forms of gender-based discrimination. This event will feature a keynote presentation from Professor Moya Bailey, followed by a screening of the film HERStory in Black. In this keynote...

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