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  • February 10, 2021 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


The 60’s scoop represents a time where the colonial practice of Indigenous child removal was the primary social service provided by the state. Child Welfare, in its misguided and underlying racist efforts to address the conditions of Indigenous children, conditions created by the colonial process itself, fundamentally made most lives worse and created a legacy of trauma that is with us today. This presentation will share the personal experience of one social worker who found himself on the front line in Child Welfare and the lessons learned as a result. As one who worked in Manitoba during the height of child removal, and as founder of Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, he will speak to the stories behind some of the headlines on Indigenous children, youth and their families. More recently, as a co-author of “It Starts with Us: The Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation National Survivors Engagement Report”, he will humbly amplify the voices of survivors by sharing recommendations, recommendations gleaned from hundreds of participants in a national dialogue as to form and function of a national body dedicated their good and welfare.

WBIIH Speaker Series poster V3(Draft)- Mr. Kenn Richard