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  • February 22, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Dr. Friend is an authority in the fields of genetic resilience, cancer biology, and digital health. At Dana Farber and MIT his team cloned the first human cancer susceptibility gene. While on the faculty at Harvard, he was jointly recruited with Lee Hartwell to co-found “The Seattle Project” at the Hutch and then co-founded and led Rosetta Impharmatics where they developed the RNA expression approaches to assess the aggressiveness of breast cancers. Merck acquired Rosetta and as SVP for Oncology he rebuilt the cancer franchise using molecular profiling techniques, which would later show value in assessing the sensitivity of tumors to Keytruda. After working at Apple from 2014-2017 on digital health, he is now a co-founder and President of 4YouandMe, the Founder and Chairman of Sage Bionetworks, and based at Oxford University as a Visiting Professor of Connected Medicine. Dr. Friend is both an Ashoka Fellow and AAAS Fellow.