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  • October 18, 2022 from 10:00pm to 12:00pm


Audience: University of Toronto graduate students and faculty engaged in health science research.

Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Time: 10:00am – 12:00 pm (+ mandatory pre-work module, approximately 60 minutes)

Location: Online via Zoom (meeting link will be provided in registration confirmation email)

By the end of this 3-part workshop series, participants will:

Identify databases for their review and explain when to use them
Practice using an objective, structured method for developing sensitive search strategies required for knowledge synthesis
Apply a structured approach to searching their question in OVID Medline
By the end of Part 1 of this workshop series, participants will:

Understand the importance of methodical searching in a knowledge synthesis review
Articulate how the quality of a search affects the quality of a review as a whole
Identify potential sources of bias in a search and implement strategies for mitigating them
Practice using an objective, structured method for developing sensitive search strategies required for knowledge synthesis
**Pre-Work Module**

Please complete the mandatory pre-work module “Planning Your Knowledge Synthesis Review” before attending class:

*Please note the module is the same for all three live sessions in the course. You only need to complete the module once if you are attending multiple sessions