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Toronto, ON
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  • November 13-18, 2023 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm


SHIFT is an annual case competition sponsored and hosted by KPMG and CCI. In the past, SHIFT has partnered with The Rotman School of Management, The Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and the Faculty of Information (iSchool) in addition to The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. CCI recruits students from diverse backgrounds and assigns them to interdisciplinary teams to tackle a challenging and locally relevant policy case over the course of one week. The teams will also work closely with a KPMG mentor to develop their policy proposal throughout the week. The event is a great opportunity for students to practice presenting policy solutions to senior leaders in the private and public sector and to compete for cash prizes and first round internship interviews at KPMG!

The event will be held from November 13th to 18th. While students will deliver their final presentations on Saturday, November 18th, there will be a kick-off event at the KPMG office on Wednesday, November 15th (tentatively). Students are expected to attend the kick-off event, as it will allow them to network with industry professionals and connect with their teammates and other participants. More information will be provided once applicants have been selected. Apply today – registration open until November 1st!

Download: Shift case competition poster