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  • September 21, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Over the last two years, the world has faced a once in a generation crisis that has tested the resilience of our societal systems and institutions, and exposed their weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and inequities at almost every level. As we slowly emerge from this crisis with the worst of the pandemic behind us, it is imperative on us to build back these systems and institutions and this time, in ways that champion equity, sustainability and resilience.

Join the discussion as Dean Steini Brown and alumnus Nakia Lee-Foon delve into the short-term impacts and long-term effects of the pandemic on inequity in our societies, how we can best recover from COVID-19 in a sustainable way, new fears and concerns about emerging public health threats, and the path forward to a healthier, more equitable world for all.

Following this conversation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask Dean Steini Brown topical questions.