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  • July 20, 2021 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Overcoming the Increasing Barriers to Ceremony with Dr. Maile Tauali‘i and moderated by Dr. Suzanne Stewart.

Traditional practices require access to sacred places, materials and knowledge. No evaluation is needed to test the benefit of ceremony on health and wellness, as this is traditional knowledge, proven by thousands of years of Indigenous Peoples knowing. In this webinar, Dr. Taualii will share her work, led by Native Hawaiian traditional practitioners, which measures the relationship between increasing access to ceremony and health status. Access to ceremony can be defined as, but not limited to; a) ability to physically be in a sacred place/space, b) ability to gather traditional plants or materials, c) ability to be with a traditional practitioner, and/or d) access to traditional knowledge (which could include language.) Her study aims to test the hypothesis that removing barriers to ceremony leads to better physical and mental health status.