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Webinars will be held via Zoom, details will be sent to all registered participants.
  • October 13, 2023 from 12:10pm to 1:00pm


Title: “Can We Reduce Inevitable Exposures to Chemicals of Concern?”

Populations are inevitably and inequitably exposed to chemicals of concern which is causing population-wide adverse health effects. The inevitability of exposure comes from basic thermodynamic theory coupled with high chemical production volumes and human activities. Failure of chemicals management is the root cause of population-wide adverse effects due to, for example, the growth in chemical production and proliferation in the number of chemicals produced. I will present four reasons for, and offer five solutions to redress this failure, ranging from promoting hazard and not risk assessment to putting a hard cap on chemical production.

Presenter: Dr. Miriam L. Diamond

Miriam L. Diamond, a professor at the University of Toronto, has advanced knowledge of chemical emissions, their transport processes, and resultant human and ecological exposure, and chemicals management policy. This work has been published in over 200 peer-reviewed articles and chapters, in addition to receiving media attention. Diamond is an Associate Editor of the journal Environmental Science and Technology, was the co-chair of the Canadian Chemical Management Plan Science Committee from 2017 to 2021, is the Vice-Chair of the International Panel on Chemical Pollution, and is the chemicals and waste member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

* Please note: This week the seminar will begin at 12:10 pm but will still end at 1:00 pm.

Download: OEH Seminar Poster October 13, 2023 final