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  • March 2, 2022 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


The Ontario Critical Care Command Centre (OCCCC) created guidelines for hospitals on how to enact emergency standards of care for admission to critical care should the demand for ICU beds exceed the capacity in Ontario during a pandemic surge. At Hamilton Health Sciences, we created a two-step educational program for front-line clinicians (staff physicians, residents, nurses, clinical administrators, social work and spiritual care providers) in the event that this triage process for critical care was enacted. The first step was creating educational materials, lectures and videos for clinicians to introduce them to the ethical and clinical framework guiding this emergency standard of care. The second step was creating virtual simulation and live demonstration of the process to help front-line staff prepare for this extraordinary process of clinical resource allocation. We will share educational and organizational lessons learned from this process during this seminar in the hope that this can inform future pandemic plans.