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  • March 4, 2022 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm


This session is run in collaboration between the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) and the Multi-Faith Centre, and will examine how Canadian Muslim youth navigate Islamophobia in a Post-9/11 world. Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, we will consider how the global war on terror and heightened anti-Muslim racism has affected a generation of Canadians who were socialized into a world where their faith and identity are under siege. How can we understand the ways that campus culture has been shaped in this age of empire? How can university communities be allies in combatting Islamophobia?

This session aims to:

• Unpack the dynamics of Islamophobia and its impact on diverse Canadian Muslim youth.
• Examine Islamophobia and campus culture in an age of empire.
• Consider how a decolonial praxis can combat anti-Muslim racism in higher education.

Speaker: Jasmine Zine, Professor, Sociology & Muslim Studies, Wilfred Laurier University