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  • January 31, 2024 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


JCB Bioethics Seminar Series Presents…

‘Intersex Does Not Refute The Sex Binary’


Dr. Rashad Rehman, PhD

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio


Does “intersex” refute the claim that sex in human beings is binary? Many argue that it does on both theoretical and practical grounds. Among those who spearhead this claim on theoretical grounds, the claim is that the presence of intersex folk is a straightforward counter-example to the sex binary – with varying views concerning whether intersex is a third sex, and consequently whether sex is a spectrum, a social construction (and consequently the kind of thing which could be self-identified), or a conglomeration of sex characteristics. On practical grounds, these non-binarist views appear to sit well with the current cultural and intellectual landscape that ethically condemns intersex pediatric surgery (IPS): the claim is that parents and healthcare providers who surgically “assign” a sex for an intersex infant fail to appreciate the natural sexual diversity among human beings – a purported consequence of sex binarism. In this talk, I argue that “intersex” does not refute the sex binary, and moreover that even if sex is binary, it does not entail or motivate the moral permissibility of IPS.

Additional Details:

The event is free and is open to the general public.

The direct link to the seminar will be sent out to registered participants 2 hours before the event. The JCB Bioethics Seminars are now being live-streamed to our YouTube channel. If you don’t receive the link 2 hours before the event, please head over there and click on the live stream. Subscribe to our channel to receive notices of upcoming events.


Please email Terry Yuen,