- Location
- HS700
- Series/Type
- DLSPH Event
- Dates
- October 24, 2019 from 4:00pm to 6:30pm
PD Pizza Nights for September – December 2019.
These sessions are open to PHS graduate students at DLSPH. Pizza will be served!
Thursday, October 24, 2019 Success in Graduate School
Session 1 (4-5PM): Imposter Syndrome HS700
Have you ever felt like you do not belong at university? Do you doubt your abilities and think that you are not smart enough? Do you ever feel like you don’t deserve to be here? These feelings are common among graduate students and especially among students who may be first in the family, racialized, mature students, gender non-conforming or from a group that is not represented widely on campus and are often referred to as “imposter syndrome”. Impostor syndrome is like an “open secret” – even though many people experience it, we very rarely talk to each other about our feelings as we fear being judged. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the common ways that impostor syndrome can manifest in an academic environment, how it can impact your learning and strategies that can be used to strengthen self-awareness and lessen the impact of these feelings.
Capacity 50
Session 2 (5-6:30PM): Making an Effective Oral Presentation HS700
This workshop will cover idea formation and presentation structure fundamental, positive public speaking body language, PowerPoint design best practices, and presentation tactics specific to presenting with a PowerPoint deck. This subject mix will help graduate level students augment both their formal presentation skills and interpersonal communication skills through a combination of lecture-based learning and practical application.
Capacity 50
Email Sarah at practicum.dlsph@utoronto.ca if you have any questions or concerns.