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  • April 4, 2024 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm


This lecture, facilitated by Brent Allan and Daniel Cordner, explores the innovative HIV Science as Art project.

As distinguished scientists gathered in Brisbane for IAS 2023, the HIV Science as Art exhibition took place at a gallery, meters away from the conference centre. Twelve eminent scientists were matched with an artist living with HIV to create a collaborative artwork representing everything from basic, social and prevention sciences in HIV. All artists received a commission to create an original piece of work in conversation with their companion scientist that reflected the concepts of their scientific work. The final works represented a diverse range of artistic expression – including fashion design, painting, photography, sculpture, and video.

Conceived and developed by people living with HIV, this project sought to explore HIV knowledge translation as well as to promote and communicate HIV science through innovative partnerships between industry, science and community

HIV Science as Art is a unique collaboration between industry, community, HIV research/science and importantly PLHIV. It has demonstrated the power of innovative partnerships and determination to bring the complexities of HIV science to the wider public and in turn has elevated the artistic lives of the participating artists. For many of the scientists, it has been a journey of reimagining their work through the eyes of the lived experience. For the curatorial team it has been an exciting foray into the power of art, representation and channelling the power of creativity to educate, inspire and provoke meaningful discussions.