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  • November 10, 2021 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm


This panel is co-hosted by the Centre for Global Health and the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research.

Scholars, healthcare professionals, activists and others have advocated for “decolonizing” global health, which involves working to redress power imbalances in the field that originated in colonialism. It requires a knowledge, leadership and paradigm shift. This panel will explore approaches relating to the decolonization of global health. Specifically, it will discuss how critical qualitative research methods and the practice of reflexivity can meaningfully contribute towards a decolonization process. The event will begin with a 10 minute presentation from each of our panelists on their thesis topics, reflecting on how their theoretical and methodological approach contributes to efforts to decolonize global health. There will then be a moderated discussion further exploring the role of critical qualitative research and decolonizing global health, followed by an open Q&A session.