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  • December 2, 2020 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics Seminar Series 2020-21


Alison Thompson, Associate Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto

About this Seminar:

There are many ethical issues surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, from who ought to receive them first, to how to ensure people will take them. This talk focuses on the centrality of trust and trustworthiness in addressing vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccines. How ought we to think about trust, and how can we improve the trustworthiness of the institutions that make vaccination possible? From industry to individual health care providers, we need to be thinking about how to make it less risky for the public, and groups disproportionately burdened by COVID-19, to trust that vaccines are necessary, safe and effective. If we don’t get this right, it has the potential to be a disaster for public health now and in the long-term.

Additional Details:

This event is free and is open to the general public. The direct link to the seminar will be sent out to registered participants 2 hours before the event.

All of the JCB Bioethics Seminars are now being live streamed to our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our channel to receive notices of live events.


Please email Laurie Bulchak,