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  • October 7, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm


On Friday, October 7, from 12:00 – 1:30 PM, Dr. Tieghan Killackey will present in CQ’s latest online seminar. There will be a 1-hour presentation and moderated discussion, followed by a 30-minute informal chat with the presenters. The Zoom link to join the seminar will be emailed to participants on the morning of the presentation.

Title: Critical Qualitative Multiple-Case Study: A Methodological Mouthful

Abstract: There is a long tradition of using case study methodology in the social and health sciences to explore, describe and explain phenomena and social processes that provide holistic and contextualized understandings. In this presentation I outline the development of a critical qualitative multiple-case study methodology and the utility of this methodology as a theory-based approach to studying complex social phenomena. This critical approach draws on both post-positivist and interpretivist constructions of case study methodology and functions as a canvas to create tailored, theory-based methods for exploring and understanding healthcare practices. Specifically, I draw on my experiences conducting a multiple-case study guided by feminist ethics and focused on the concept of relational autonomy, to provide an in-depth analysis of advance care planning (ACP) and critically examine the function of this practice within our current healthcare system. Overall, this session will highlight how case study can be a critical, yet malleable methodological device which can be shaped to examine a wide range of topics and used by scholars working with diverse theoretical perspectives.