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  • March 31, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Your health can depend a lot on where you live. But how should cities and towns approach transforming the built environment to improve residents’ health? The Community Wellbeing Framework, developed by the Conference Board of Canada and DIALOG, is an evidence-based methodology to design for community wellbeing made up of five domains, 18 indicators, and 48 metrics. The Framework defines and evaluates the built environment’s contributions to community wellbeing and helps guide conversations toward a shared vision and actionable decision making, with tangible value, on how the world around us can and should be designed.

Join us for a webinar with Antonio Gomez-Palacio to learn how the Framework is being used by communities and decision-makers to support physical, mental, environmental and social wellbeing.

This webinar will:
1. Review the elements of the built environment that contribute to physical and mental health and wellbeing
2. Provide an overview of the evidence-based Community Wellbeing Framework
3. Present case studies of how the Community Wellbeing Framework is being used in community projects that promote health and wellbeing