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  • March 2, 2022 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm


Canada signed onto the WHO’s #COP26 Health Programme, thus formally committing to climate resilient and low carbon sustainable health systems. But what does low carbon, sustainable care look like in practice?

Speakers Dr Timur Ozelsel, Dr Philip Wong, and Darcia Pope will discuss opportunities to deliver better more sustainable care post-COVID.

Through real-world examples of climate positive care, anesthesiologist Dr Ozelsel and radiation oncologist Dr Wong will share the encouraging effects that sustainable models are having on patient experience, on environment impact, and overall care. As the Vice-President Transformation for Vancouver Coastal Health, discussant Darcia Pope has the policy and administrationperspective on how to capture and realize these benefits—and how to catalyze systemic transformation. Join us as we explore the real impact of turning Canada’s commitment to low carbon sustainable health systems into concrete improvements to care.

This event is the third in our series exploring the implications of the federal government’s recent commitment to the COP26 Health Programme.