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  • March 22, 2024 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm


2SLGBTQ+ Health Hub Lecture presents…

Is it ‘Loneliness’? Narratives of Social Connection & Disconnection Among LGBTQI Older Adults

This presentation discusses narratives of social connection & disconnection related to LGBTQI older adults in Canada. The presentation draws on Egale’s Aging & Living Well study, a national qualitative study that interviewed 48 LGBTQI older adults living across the country, and Dr. Pang’s ethnographic research among LGBTQI older adults in Ontario. Highlighting participants’ experiences and perspectives on social connection and disconnection while also problematizing broader narratives of “social isolation” and “loneliness”, the presentation invites participants to think critically about the barriers to social inclusion that LGBTQI older adults face, and how their visions for connection could be supported.

Dr. Celeste Pang is a sociocultural and medical anthropologist. Dr. Pang’s research, education, and community work focus on aging, disability, and care access and equity, with significant focus on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues. Dr. Pang’s work is grounded in a commitment to examining and challenging cis-heterosexism, ageism, ableism, and other normative social dynamics that impact the communities Dr. Pang comes from, works with, and engages closely with critical disability studies, critical gerontology, and queer and trans studies.

Dr. Pang’s research interests include aging; disability; care; consent and capacity; gender and sexuality; ethics; ethnography; public anthropology; arts-based methods.

Please register in advance on Zoom.